“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it,
and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Conspiracy Theory? Incompetence? Or Intentional Evil?

There is so much bad stuff starting to come out in the news (at least in international and internet news), it is impossible to keep up with it. But a few of “The Big Winners” come to mind.

While Michelle was ‘chilling’ in China in a $8400 per day suite, Barack spent $1.5 million for one night in a hotel in Belgium. Is it any wonder that we have no Federal Budget restraint and Federal Deficits around $1.25 Trillion per year? Their idea of “cutting back” is using domestic champagne in their bidets! And this is the guy who said Bush’s $400 billion deficits (from actively fighting the War On Terror) were “unpatriotic” and somewhat criminal. Poor Barry gave a ‘big speech’ (his usual mealy-mouth promises and platitudes) to the European press corp and ONE GUY applauded, clapped about 3 times, then stopped. Will the NSA be tasked with investigating them, and the IRS figure out how to audit non-resident foreign nationals? Meanwhile 68,000 illegal aliens with dangerous criminal records were released from deportation orders. Obama talked with the Pope, but the press releases about their discussions were very different. Whom should we believe?

Hillary Clinton can’t remember any real accomplishments as SecState? Let’s see: She overthrew a pro-western moderate government in Egypt for the Muslim B’hood. Encouraged the overthrow of Ghadaffi for the Al Qaeda and got four Americans killed. Plus lost Tunisia to radicals. And encouraged a bloody rebellion in Syria. Seduced Huma Abedin, or vice versa…? Disappeared $6 billion, although that is easy in the Obozo Administration & Traveling Give-Away Show. Did you see the $400,000 white fiberglass camel statue at the new Pakistani Embassy? And since she fell down and got a concussion, she can’t remember ANYTHING. Especially in front of Congress. It has been suggested that Edward Snowden change his name to Ben Ghazi and he will never be mentioned in the Media again.

Attorney General Eric Holder is in the news again. He has consistently refused to enforce laws that were passed by Congress that didn’t suit their Agenda. There was video of the New Black Panther Party illegally intimidating voters in Philadelphia in 2008, but Holder refused to prosecute, even saying they had “too much to do” to prosecute “their people”!? He refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act and immigration law, and has brought Federal law-suits against states that do. He has brought suits against states that passed laws requiring photo ID to vote in an effort to stop vote fraud. He is deeply involved in Fast and Furious, a Federal gun-running scheme to incite more anti-gun laws. He has ‘stonewalled’ Congressional investigations into that, the IRS scandals, & other abuses of power. It is strongly suspected he has lied to Congress and is connected to efforts to hide Benghazi witnesses from Congress. His latest “You don’t want to go there.” comment to Congress demonstrates his total defiance to Congress, established Law, and the Constitution. Our Congressman Blake Farenthold remarked that he should be in jail. And he should! Maybe Congress will grow a spine, in spite of the Media and the RINOs.

Lois Lerner is cruising for Contempt of Congress. Kathleen Sibelius is going to resign. Both have lied repeatedly and should be held accountable by Congress.

The only war the Liberal Progressives will really fight is their War on the Constitution and patriotic conservative Americans. Dianne Feinstein told the Senate Judiciary Committee, “All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning guns.” In her ‘Big Rock Candy Mountain Unicorn Ranch’ way of thinking anyone who takes an Oath to the Constitution and stands by it is “mentally ill”, this is an inversion and perversion of all things that made American great. Once again demonstrating that “Liberalism” is truly a mental disease and left untreated is potentially fatal. The “Ft. Hood Massacre #2” will be used for an excuse for more anti-gun laws against law-abiding citizens and even our MILITARY! EPIC Insanity! The only cure for a bad guy with a gun, or a crazy guy gone bad, is a good guy with a gun. An armed society is a polite society, and impossible for a totalitarian government to dominate. That is why the Liberal Progressives despise the Second Amendment.

Two of the major Triumphs of Progressive Socialist Democrats have been the Welfare System and legalizing abortion. They claim to be dedicated to improving the lives of poor people, but look at the record. In the past 60 years the Federal Government has spent Trillions (perhaps as much as the Federal Debt) on various welfare programs, but what is the result? They have created a large Democrat voting bloc, but what about the people ensnared? Welfare was originally targeted at unmarried women with children. Poor women found they could improve their income by getting divorced and not working. Next they found out they could get a raise by having another illegitimate child. Men found out that they could avoid their financial responsibility for fathering children by convincing their women not to get married but go on welfare. After 1971, women were encouraged to use abortion as ‘birth control’ unless they were on welfare. The government was subsidizing illegitimacy in poor, often ‘professional parasites’, and even criminal classes, herding them into crime-ridden ghettos, but encouraging those that tried to work their way out of poverty to abort their children. The government gave huge grants to Planned Parenthood and others for abortion mills, some 50 million American babies have been destroyed, many black and other minorities.. The end result was a population explosion at the very lowest level of society while productive, successful Americans were only subsidized to abort their babies. This is genocide on the lower middle class, the citizens that were most easily assimilated into society and could become good productive patriotic citizens. When the Liberals discovered they were not gaining the voting bloc as fast as they wanted, they increased immigration, refused to enforce immigration laws, and eased citizenship and voting laws. They are replacing the millions of aborted American babies with foreign minorities. Foreigners that are poor, often uneducated, anti-colonial (anti-white & anti-capitalist), with no understanding or even acceptance of American traditions, Constitutional government, or law. But to point that out is RACIST! So is to mention the Cloward-Pivens Strategy for a socialist America.

This administration is a ‘Criminal Conspiracy’! It is time for us to stop listening to the “Intentions” of these politicians, but look at the actual results. Failed government programs only get massive increases in funding and scope. There is no oversight by Congress. Those that protest these consistent failures are called “Conspiracy Theorists”. The Socialist Democrats are totally politically dominated by Their Agenda and are often corrupt, and many of the Republicans are scared to death of the Media, dedicated to their own re-election, or sometimes just corrupt. Why are there so many high political figures in both parties that have demonstrated their incompetence, and even their dishonesty, continue to be re-elected? Few are concerned with “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,” (from the preamble to the Constitution, to which all of those Congresscritters are sworn by Oath or affirmation.) We in Texas are fortunate to have a few representatives that stand for what is right, but the prevailing atmosphere in D.C. and the ‘Media’ is usually against them.

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