The July meeting of 2014 by the very active Bunco group was held Tuesday evening, July 1, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Hosted by Pat Ekstrom and Annette Leach, these two innovative women had set as a theme our Independence colors of Red, White and Blue with decorations for this event. Refreshments included finger food of deliciously grilled hot dogs all sporting an American flag, slices of cool and crispy watermelon, and a mouth watering dessert of cake with white icing and decorated with strawberries and blue berries, thus carrying out the red, white and blue theme. Paige Satterfield celebrated as the winner of most games; Debbie Michalek won the most buncos and Pat Ekstrom left with the floating bunco prize. And the hostesses for August 5th will be Iris Shuh and Debbie Michalek and those two have lively imaginations. For further information concerning this fun group, contact Shirley Gordon at our Library.

As August is lurking in the wings with Labor Day following, the Chamber’s celebration of Labor Day Beach Bash is planned for during the Labor Day Weekend at the Front Beach with lots of entertainment. Check out the banner for further information.

With the closing of another restaurant, our husbands now have to rely on either Subway or Captain G’s for a quickie dinner or us wives cooking once again. But then there is always Josie’s or Cathy’s for a tried and true menu and eating out — no dishes to wash! But we did have a break for a while! And what better source of good recipes from our area, is the Service Club’s cookbooks, THE END OF THE ROAD! There have been 3 issues of these delightful books and they’re available at Speedy for a very low price. Also at Sister’s near Froggie’s! Check out the first, in a brown cover, the second in blue, and the third in red! Recipes have been compiled for many years from those of our earlier members to many from the latter day ones, and each recipe has been tested and tested to make certain all ingredients are in the proper amounts. Try them, you won’t be disappointed and they make great birthday and Christmas gifts from our incredible area.

Looking for a fresh vine-ripened tomato? Does your neighbor have a small garden? Fresh corn or green onions? How about a green pepper? Extra eggs from laying hens? How about starting a Farmers’ Market? And at the site adjacent to Tigrett Real Estate where the Ice Machine was located? Or maybe at a table at the Front Beach?

Hate to say this, but it seems as though it was only January when I wrote this column with a temperature of 31 degrees plus wind chill factor of 18. NOW, JULY is courting temperatures in the 90’s! And what wind chill factor? What we have is a month full of fishing tournaments with the BIGGIE on the 17th through 19th— POCO BUENO! The 4th brought many families with lots of kids, many visiting for the first time to witness our delightful display of fireworks. And if you had to visit Speedy Stop as running out of a necessary item or gasoline, you became very much aware of the number of folks here. However, although you probably encountered many, many people in the store, because of the thoughtfulness and thoroughness of John Hdrlck, the Manager, there was very little wait time at the check out counters. Thanks, John, everyone appreciated this.

PS: The Library currently has the book, POCO BUENO by Chris Parks available; see either Shirley or me for help in finding it!

Trying to keep a duplicate of all items in both Mabel, our motor home, and our home has been somewhat trying; generally, I’m missing something in one area which means running back and forth from one home to another. BUT the item that was duplicated first was a pair of scissors; just try and open boxes and other packages without a pair! As I’ve found that scissors not only saves your fingernails, but your state of mind as well! And no screaming at your husband to come open something!

I’ve had a lot of fun writing this column; sometimes I’m really up-to-date on events and other times, I’m just being informative, and often expressing my thoughts and opinions as well! But I welcome any comments or news or other happenings for print, I can be reached at 361 798-0560 or And thanks for reading!

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