Island Life… By Clint Bennetsen

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info, Island Life
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Nov 13 - 0 Comments

Clint and Barnacle

The Start of Winter Solitude

Greetings from the island everyone; hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the cooler pre-winter weather lately. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve had my share of rain out here this late Summer and now into Fall. Since mid-August, about 23” of rain has fallen on the island, always a welcome sight, to a certain point, but Lord I think I’m good for a month or so. Thank you. The roads are in terrible shape, with the beach being the best way to travel from one end of the island to the other. But again, I’m happier getting too much rain than not enough.

As I sit here at the small kitchen table enjoying a hot cup of strong black Folgers Columbian coffee, the second Friday morning of November, the sun is shining through the east side window and a cool north breeze is blowing across the island. The front yard palm tree fronds are rustling in the wind, and I can actually hear the brown pelicans dive-bombing into the inlet water, in an attempt to inhale a nice mullet down their gullet for breakfast. Do you know what I DON’T hear or see around me? People. Yay!

This time of year begins a solitude and peaceful few months on the barrier island. The weather becomes such that it is difficult and sometimes dangerous to cross the open bay to get here, plus it gets cold and rainy and pretty much miserable for the fair weather part-time islanders. It’s common for me to go 10-14 days without seeing a weekender during the winter months. It is this time of year that I have to stay stocked up on supplies, including propane, gasoline, groceries, chicken feed and dog food for Barnacle. Heaven forbid that 75 pound spoiled dog miss a meal.

I don’t mind at all being alone during the winter months, or really any other time for that matter. I often explain to people that ask, it’s a world of difference being alone versus being lonely. Now that I have an iPhone, and as connected to the outside world as I care to be, I can easily stay in touch with people and off-the-island matters, when I choose. I simply enjoy the solitude and tranquility that island life affords me. I wouldn’t call myself a true hermit, not quite yet anyway, but I’m probably slowly getting there.

Well my venture into a healthier lifestyle is going quite well. Thanks to eating much healthier and LOTS of beach walking (282 miles the past 54 days), I’ve lost 33 lbs and feeling so much better. I’m addicted to that dang walking now, and feel cheated when due to weather, I cannot walk some days. Of course I have the most desirable place to walk in the mornings and evenings, a nice pristine and secluded beach. And that’s all I’m doing, eating healthier and walking, nothing else. Lots of fruit, especially various fruit smoothies, have taken the place of sweets, my enemy for sure, and I sautee, grill, bake or blacken my food instead of frying.

I personally prefer to lose weight and become healthier on my own instead of using the nutritional programs that are widely available, even though there are some beneficial ones that truly work, like Isagenix, according to several of my Facebook friends. Anyway, I’m happily on my way to becoming a healthier island guy.

Well that’s it from the island for now, everyone take care and have a great day.

Pristine secluded Beach for Clint’s morning and evening walks.

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