Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: Organizations
Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 12 Jan 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

2010 Is Behind Us, And Looking Forward To 2011

Looking back, 2010 started off very slow in Port O’Connor what with a very cold winter and slow economy. Then ,as usual  in March things started picking up. In POC we are very fortunate to have many very good Fishing Tournaments, usually starting in March, running through September and October. There was an abundance of fish; as all know, POC is the place to catch fish year round and this brings business and  needed income to our community.
If you have a tournament coming up in 2011, please email us at poccc@tisd.net; we will be glad to put it on the Events Calendar and publicize your Tournament. Just let the Chamber know if we can be of help in  making your Tournament more successful. Also the Chamber website—portoconnorchamber.org–now has a Facebook account, which is being used to get info about Port O’Connor out to others and making new friends in POC.

In the next Chat we will have our CALENDAR of EVENTS for 2011 for Chamber Sponsored Events so you can start making your plans not to miss the EXCITEMENT IN POC.

The next meeting of the Chamber will be held February 14, 2011. The Chamber needs some volunteers to help with promoting our community and businesses, helping also with committees and just coming up and helping with new and interesting ideas to let others know we live in this little piece of paradise on the coast.

Thanks to all that helped  make 2010 a great year!

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