What A Way To Start A New Year! by Erny McDonough

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Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 12 Jan 11 - Comments Off on What A Way To Start A New Year! by Erny McDonough

I do not know how you began 2011, but we here at the Chapel began it with a “Communion Service”, where we remembered that Jesus died for us and that we should live for Him. I know that others filled their glasses and “toasted” the New Year. Some were in New York City’s Times Square and watched the big, lighted ball fall. All of us in Port O’Connor heard, if we did not see, the many who used fireworks to help bring in the New Year. I have even been told that a few people slept the New Year in.

What do we know about this New Year? We already know, just by living these few days, that wars will continue, financial problems will continue, murders will continue, and there will be problems just up in our faces that we could not anticipate.

Allow me to list four (4) things that I know about this New Year, and I believe you could add to this list from your marvelous perspective.
First – troubles will find us! Most of us know something about coping with the ordinary stresses of life – it is the dis-stresses that unnerve us, the times when we feel overwhelmed by forces or circumstances greater than our power to deal with them.

As long as we live on planet earth, we will have problems. The car will break down. The house will develop a leaky faucet. The dog will get sick. The child will experience trauma and drama. We will face discrimination. People who we thought “had our back” truly have a knife in hand! People we care about will die. Loved ones will experience violence. We will be passed over unjustly for promotion. Our accomplishments will be belittled. Our second graders will be bullied. Our political system will not get fixed and our elected representatives will continue disappointing us! We will have periods when we experience loneliness, inconsolable grief, and desperate insecurities.

God never promised quick solutions and will permit us to pass through processes of hardships in order to define and purify us. We will not be immune to heartbreaks, but, God will bring us through all struggles He allows us to face. What could destroy us will never do so as long as we never give up on the life God has given us or give up on God!

Second – we will be helped! It is so important for us to know that God made us to be people who need others. When we find ourselves at the bottom of our pit, we will find someone who has a rope and will pull us out! When we find ourselves at the end of our rope, we need to simply tie a knot and hang on, because help is on its way!

God did not make us and then leave us to ourselves to try to figure it out! God has angels constantly encircling us, ready to defend and rescue us before we fall or fail. We know that it was only one-third of the angels that followed Satan’s rebellion; therefore, God’s holy angels still outnumber them two to one! We have the full power and authority of our God as back-up for all the situations that seem to get us down!

Third – God will never forget us!  In the middle of our troubles, the “tempter” often comes to us and asks, “Does anyone truly even care what happens to you? Who knows or remembers you and what you have done? You are all alone, and any good you might have accomplished counts for nothing.”  But, never believe the “liar and father of all lies”!

I remember one time standing at the foot of a crib. In it was our oldest son, who was fast asleep. I was praying for him while he slept. He was totally unaware of my presence, but I was indeed there with him. He did not hear me praying, but I was indeed interceding for him. I realized that night that my Lord has lovingly stood and watched over you and me during many moments in our lives when we were totally unaware of His presence or intercession.

Fourth – We will like the final results! I am sure that most of us do not feel that we have what we need in our present hour of distress. We lack advantage, stability, finances, or any number of things others would think necessary for being successful. I encourage you to never overestimate the strength of our enemies nor to underestimate the power of our Lord.
Remember the past fights in which you have been victorious. Count your blessings – naming them one by one. We have faced many perilous moments in the past and have come forward to this place. Keep fighting the good fight of faith and total victory will be ours through our triumphant Lord. (I’ve read the back of the Book, and we win!) Our prospects for the future are secure when we serve the King of kings and the Lord of lords – Jesus Christ!

What do I know about 2011? No matter what I have to face, I will get the help I need to become victorious. I know that God’s eyes are upon me ready to send me the assistance I need, and the final result is that I win! Come on this journey with me – let’s enjoy the best year of our lives!

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