It’s Relay Time Again !!!!!

Archived in the category: Events, Organizations
Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 26 Jan 11 - Comments Off on It’s Relay Time Again !!!!!

Port O’Connor Team Perpetual Motion is getting geared up once again for our annual Relay for Life, the American Cancer Society’s nationwide signature event.  Relay for Life raises money for cancer research and American Cancer Society programs in our area.

This year Relay will be on Friday, April 1, 2011 at the fairgrounds in Port Lavaca, Texas.  It is a fun filled overnight event to celebrate those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost and empower individuals and communities to fight back against a disease that takes so much.

This year teams can be as large as we want, we aren’t limited to the number of people on a team.  Never been on a team? Then come and join us and experience the great feeling you get from opening ceremonies, kids laps, survivor laps and everyone participating.

Our team is starting our fund raisers for this event. They include bake sales, a raffle and T-shirt sales just for a start.  As always there will be luminarias available to purchase.  Luminaria are bags (which house a small candle) that are decorated and line the track.  The candles are lit at dark and they light our path as we walk.

If you would like to buy a luminaria, raffle ticket or just make a donation stop by POC Hardware and talk to Judith or Wanda.  Come join us, be on our team and be a part of this wonderful event.  We would love to have you join us and help us make a difference.  Please come see us or call, the sooner the better !!!

POC Hardware 983-2708
Monday-Saturday 8-5
Judith 237-6496
Till Next Time,
Team Perpetual Motion

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