POC Girl Scout Brownies Troop 9538

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 26 Jan 11 - Comments Off on POC Girl Scout Brownies Troop 9538

Awards Banquet was held Jan 5, 2011.

Elizabeth Carey earned her Science In Action, Try It! and Field Trip Badge.

Kaleigh Diaz, Carly Rosenboom, & Paige Satterfield assisted the POC Cub Scouts and ‘Scouted for Food’ for the local food bank & earned a badge. Way to go girls!
Jeanette Ramirez, Kaleigh Diaz, Carly Rosenboom, McKaelyn Carriles, Paige Satterfield, Elizabeth Carey, Shayleigh Sprague attended a field trip to Port Lavaca H-E-B. The girl’s took a tour of the store, learned about unhealthy & healthy habits, met staff, and were given packs to take home. They even got to eat cookies (for ‘bad’ sugar) and apples (for ‘good’ sugar). We all had a lot of fun! The girls received ‘fun’ patches for their trip.

Kali Gregory, McKaelyn Carriles, Hannah Tucker, Jeanette Ramirez, Shayleigh Sprague, Carly Rosenboom, Elizabeth Carey, Paige Satterfied, & Kaleigh Diaz earned their ‘Science In Action’ Try-It! Badge. The girls learned about how science is used in everyday life and even got to make Weird Glop! Good job girls!

We will be earning our ‘Money Matters’ Try It! Badge next and will be taking a tour of First National Bank, Port O’Connor.  We are going to be planting trees for the community in early Spring. The cost for the first 10 trees and training information is $40.00. For every 10 additional trees, the cost is only $20.00. If you would like to help out with the purchase of more trees or supplies, or if you know of a place in the need of trees or beautification, please contact Karie at Toastie’s 361-983-2070 or e-mail: karieskalak@yahoo.com. Our troop will do the work! Let’s get together and get some greenery into our growing community!! For direct information, the website is http://www.erthnxt.org/programs.

It’s COOKIE TIME now until February 27th. Be on the lookout for the Brownies running around POC! The cost of cookies this year is only $3.50 a box!

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