Home > January, 2011
Friends of the Seadrift Library Raffle Drawing
New Golfing Association by G.B. Robertson
Dear Readers, We are in the process of forming a Port O’ Connor Golfing association. Membership in the association will be open to men, women and children who are residents of Port O’Connor or those who have property here. We are talking about having a tournament at Hatch Bend golf course in Port Lavaca this […]
What’s Rockin’ At The Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue
There is always something very special when you have the opportunity to find a book by an author you had previously read and liked. And this was the case with Dennis Lehane’s, Moonlight Mile. I had read several of his previous novels, including Mystic River, from which a very recent film was made. However, the […]
Bunco Party Meeting
Ladies!!!! Looking forward to a fun evening? If so, come join this fun group that meets once a month on the first Tuesday! Requirements: $5.00; Be able to count the spots on a pair of dice; and sometime, serve as hostess! We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the community […]
“Wintertime Can Be Draining” by Capt. Chris Martin
January 10, 2011 As we departed the dock for this morning’s trip, it was quite evident that the air temperature had climbed considerably since the passage of the most recent cold front that arrived four days ago. We had experienced strong north winds over the past few days and there was a lot of “new” […]