Warrior’s Weekend Expands Its Outreach

Archived in the category: Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 09 Feb 11 - Comments Off on Warrior’s Weekend Expands Its Outreach

Local volunteers needed…
Cold weather didn’t stop the Warrior’s Weekend Directors from driving to Port O’Connor the evening of February 4 to meet with locals who expressed their willingness to help out at this year’s May 21 event. As President Ron Kocian explained, “There is not a day that goes by that we don’t do something towards the planning and execution of our mission.”

And what is Warrrior’s Weekend’s mission? It is to put into action that popular phrase, “We support our troops”.

In addition to the much-anticipated “Warrior’s Weekend” event where wounded troops are treated to a day of fishing and a catered meal in Port O’Connor, the Warrior’s Weekend organization has expanded its outreach to include purchasing equipment to increase the mobility of veterans at Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC), financing an internet cafe for the Victoria National Guard, hosting fish frys for the past three years at BAMC, funding a Veterans Appreciation Luncheon in Victoria for local veterans, donating $5,000 towards building a home for a double amputee veteran in Victoria, supplying funds to several KIA (Killed in Action) families, plus donating to several other veterans causes.

A lot of money and a lot of help is needed to continue this mission. The goal this year is to host 300 wounded soldiers, plus caretakers, to a wonderful day of fishing, camaraderie, and good food – a day when these heroes can experience a real break from their day-to-day treatments and therapy at the military hospital, and more importantly – a time when they can see how much we regular citizens appreciate and care about them.

“Since most of these guys just can’t get enough fishing, we are looking not only for people to volunteer to take them out on their boats, but also for those who will assist them in fishing on the piers,” Ron said.  Two local couples at the meeting responded that they would be happy to assist. Reese Hunley was designated Chairman of the pier fishing committee, and he will be looking for other volunteers to help.

There are lots of ways, both big and small, that local citizens can help Warrior’s Weekend to show appreciation to our wounded heroes. In addition to boats and fishing assistance, lodging is needed for out-of-towners who come here to assist, such as those who build the beautiful sandcastle each year. There is decorating to do, transportation to provide, cookies to bake, and much, much more.

And, most of all, please plan to be out that day, greeting these deserving veterans and letting them know how honored you are that they have come here to visit us.

-Planning in underway and raffle items are now being solicited for “Warrior’s Weekend Muster”, a major fund raiser planned for April 1.

–More information to come in the Dolphin Talk.

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