You Heard It From The Dolphin…

Archived in the category: You Heard It From the Dolphin
Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 09 Feb 11 - Comments Off on You Heard It From The Dolphin…

We hope everyone made it through the recent freeze with no damage. We were fortunate to have only one busted water pipe, and our outside cat has now become an inside cat, but other than that, all is well, that is – until the electricity bill comes in.

As I’m writing this, I’m looking forward to the annual “Sweetheart Banquet” and wishing it had coincided with our deadline so we could tell about it in this “Valentine’s Issue”. We’ll have photos in the next issue and tell you who was selected “Citizen of the Year”.  The efforts of Port O’Connor’s  First Baptist Church are really appreciated by all who attend this annual event.

Speaking of Valentines – thanks to all who sent in their greetings. You will find them printed on the back page.

With today’s issue, we begin our 16th year of this little publication. We have truly enjoyed serving the community in this manner and I personally have enjoyed meeting so many people in our area that I otherwise would have never known. I want to say “thanks” once again to everyone who contributes news and photos, advertises, and reads the Dolphin Talk. As long as you are interested and involved, we will do our best to keep it coming.

As many already know, we have recently put Dolphin Talk on line. We hope many of you have found this helpful and informative. And we do try to update it between issues when information becomes available. If you haven’t checked it out, you can find us at:

Businesses and organizations that would like information about advertising on our web site should contact Jasmine at 361-218-5459 or Special introductory pricing is being offered right now.

We also have a Facebook page and would love it if you would “like” us and recommend us to your “friends”. Simply search “The Dolphin Talk”.

I never imagined when I moved from Hitchcock to Port O’Connor, that this would be the place I wanted to spend the rest of my natural life. The Port O’Connor/Seadrift/Port Lavaca community has become “home” to me. I am blessed to be able to spend my “golden years” in a vocation I so much enjoy. Thanks to all who have participated in any way in making Dolphin Talk a success.  Remember, we are always open to comments and suggestions. We strive to make our little community paper the best that it can be. And we do appreciate your help! -Joyce Rhyne, Editor

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