Military Academy Day Update

Archived in the category: Announcements
Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 15 Feb 11 - Comments Off on Military Academy Day Update

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the ice days in Fort Bend County last week, forced Katy ISD to cancel this event to allow their students and  teachers to make up the lost days by attending class on the 18th and 19th.  UH-Sugar Land has very graciously agreed to allow us the use of their campus.  If you have previously provided this information to your membership, we would greatly appreciate if you could also provide them with this updated information.

NEW LOCATION:  14000 University BLVD, inside the Brazos Building


Jackie Gloor

District Director for

U. S. Representative Ron Paul, TX-14

1501 E. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 229

Victoria, TX  77904


(361)576-0381 – FAX

For more information, please contact Jackie Gloor in Congressman Paul’s Victoria District Office at 361-576-1231, or by e-mail at

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