2011 Sweetheart Banquet A Big Succcess By Doyle Adams

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Feb 11 - Comments Off on 2011 Sweetheart Banquet A Big Succcess By Doyle Adams

Guests began arriving an hour before the scheduled starting time. Everyone was greeted by Brenda Smith at the door of the Community Center for the 16th Annual Sweetheart Banquet. First Baptist Church has sponsored the banquet each year and enthusiasm begins to hit a fevered pitch when Valentine’s Day approaches.

The Community Center was beautifully decorated by Grady Jean Clark and Kathy Yearwood, assisted by the Church Fellowship Committee. Beautiful red hearts and tulips were arranged on each table with red, blue, and chartreuse colored table cloths.

To begin the program, Brother Marcos Gohlke, Pastor, blessed the food. The Church men and youth were decked out as waiters and each had bright red aprons. The dinner was served and included a charcoal broiled rib eye steak, red roasted potatoes, green beans, tossed salad, rolls, dessert, iced tea and coffee. In fifteen minutes everyone was served. The Church youth continually checked to see that everyone had plenty of coffee and tea.

Brother Marcos thanked all the guests for coming and personally thanked all those responsible for planning the banquet, selling tickets, purchasing and cooking the food and serving the food. Everyone gave a big applause for the service the young people provided.

Doyle Adams began the program with the introduction of special guests – all couples in attendance who have been married 50 years or longer. The couple in attendance who have been married the longest (64 1/2 years) was Howard and Evelyn Lewis. The couple married the shortest length of time, at six months, was Aaron and Roxanne Ochoa. Both couples received special gifts.

The time arrived for the exciting presentation of this year’s “Citizen of the Year” award. This year’s recipient of this coveted award is Bill Tigrett. Doyle Adams presented the award to Bill and read the engraving on the plaque:
Presented to Bill Tigrett
Port O’Connor

Citizen of the Year

For your total commitment, hard work, initiative, enthusiasm and dedication to the people of Port O’Connor for many years
For being a supporting force in the Chamber of Commerce and all of its many activities
For the unequaled enthusiasm and participation in the many annual Port O’Connor activities and a major contributor to the “Dolphin Talk”
Thanks for your organizational skills and a “Can Do” attitude in successfully getting projects accomplished.

May God Bless You.
Port O’Connor
First Baptist Church
February 10, 2011
After the award, there was a drawing for Door Prizes. Door prizes were won by Debbie Michalek, Pete Garza, Velda Allen and Tom Ekstrom.
Everyone joined in singing “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” and it could be heard all the way to “downtown Port O’Connor”.
Brother Marcos Gohlke introduced the night’s entertainer, Professional Auctioneer John Sick. John Sisk kept everyone in “stitches” with his candor. His singing voice and choice of songs were outstanding.
As the evening neared it’s end, John exhibited his auctioneering skills by auctioning off one of Biddie Hileman’s famous Coconut Cakes. The high bidder at $200 was Arnold B. Gordon and his wife, Keiko. The funds will be used to offset some of the banquet expenses.

Comments on the “night of entertainment” were: “Great”, “Outstanding”, “This was the best one!” I have to admit, the 2011 Sweetheart Banquet has to rank pretty close to the top!
Congratulations to Bill Tigrett on being selected “Citizen of the Year” and thanks to all who made this annual event a memorable one.

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