Master of Ceremonies, Doyle Adams (right) presents a plaque to Bill Tigrett at the Sweetheart Banquet, where Bill was honored as “Citizen of the Year”.
When Doyle Adams came into Tigrett Real Estate and presented him with two tickets to the annual Sweetheart Banquet, it never crossed Bill Tigrett’s mind that his presence was needed that evening for anything but taking photos for the Dolphin Talk. It was, needless to say, a great surprise when he was called forward to receive his plaque and say a few words as “Citizen of the Year”.
Bill doesn’t consider anything he’s done especially worthy of such an honor. He has just been conducting business and contributing, as most anyone would, to the community which he chose to make his home.
A native of San Antonio, Bill met his future wife Belinda while they were both freshmen at the University of Texas. Since Bill was of military draft age, he decided to enlist in the Army, with the hopes of completing his education. Bill served in the Army for six years and, since his last assignment was in Maryland, he chose to complete his Chemistry Degree at Towson University in Baltimore.
After graduation, Bill and Belinda (who had married in 1973) moved back to San Antonio. Bill was employed doing analytical lab tests for a pharmaceutical company, and Belinda had already chosen to leave the corporate world to spend more time with their young daughter by operating a home-based day care.
In the early 1980’s, they decided to leave the big city to move to Port O’Connor to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming small business owners. Belinda had relatives here (her sister, Sandy and Aunt Bobby Scott) and had heard there was opportunity here and a need for day care. So “Just for Kids” Daycare was established, with Belinda in charge and Bill helping in numerous ways while running his own lawn care and property maintenance service.
Bill obtained his real estate license in 1984 and dedicated himself to becoming an informed and conscientious real estate professional. Bill became the Broker/Owner of Tigrett Real Estate in 1994 after long time friend and associate, Preston Stofer (Stofer Real Estate) passed away. Bill felt the necessity of continuing Preston’s tradition as a locally owned real estate company whose main focus was only the Port O’Connor area.
Bill has served with the Volunteer EMS/Fire Department and with the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce. He was President of the Chamber for four consecutive years, has served as co-chair of the King Fisher Beach development and improvement committee, and of the Fourth of July Fireworks event. He is currently a member of the Chamber’s Board of Directors.
Back in 1996, there weren’t too many computer savvy folks around here, and having an analytical mind, Bill was invaluable as a trouble-shooter for the Dolphin Talk’s typesetter, Charlotte Graham. Charlotte was one of the founders of Dolphin Talk and an agent for Tigrett Real Estate. He assisted in that capacity for many years, and later on became the “official un-official” photographer for the paper, a position he still holds (with much gratitude from the Dolphin).
Tigrett Real Estate is a supporter of many local organizations and events in Port O’Connor, including the school, fishing tournaments, and CCA, and is also a proud supporter of Warrior’s Weekend. Bill also works behind the scenes as an advocate for normalizing and equalizing our property taxes.
Bill’s wife, Belinda, is a much-loved science and math teacher at Port O’Connor School. They have two grown children: Justin, an administrator of a medical supply company, who lives with his wife Jennifer and two children in Hutto, Texas and Lauren, who devotes herself to teaching underprivileged children in Los Angeles, California.
“Belinda and I have always preferred living in smaller communities because of the shared sense of belonging we feel and the chance to work together to improve the quality of life and make a difference. I am pleased and honored to be recognized by the community we dearly love and support,” Bill said.