CHS Young Republican Club Trip to Texas State Capitol by Connie Hunt

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Feb 11 - Comments Off on CHS Young Republican Club Trip to Texas State Capitol by Connie Hunt

CHS Young Republican Club in Austin

The Calhoun High School Young Republicans Club recently visited the State Capitol. The group arrived at the Capitol at approximately 10:00 a.m. where they were met by Caleb McGee of Representative Todd Hunter’s staff.

First stop was Representative Hunter’s offices where Caleb outlined the basic steps the staff take when a constituent makes a request of Representative Hunter. Next, we had a wonderful visit with Representative Hunter. Todd spent about 40 minutes with the students, explaining in detail the legislative process, which included a visit to a committee room where Representative Hunter encouraged students to take the seat of committee chairpersons before giving further explanation of the legislative process.. Later the group visited the House in session. Representative Hunter asked for floor time and recognized the group.

The group met with Senator Hegar about 12:30. Senator Hegar spent time with the students, regaling them with stories of his journey from farm boy to Senator. One student asked if Texas was permitted to secede. Senator Hegar gave a short history of the document Texas signed with the U.S. which allows Texas to return to the status of a Republic. The Senator then gave the group reasons why he felt it would be a disadvantage for Texas to secede.

After a very late lunch and a visit to the gift shop, the group met with Governor Perry. Governor Perry spent about 30 minutes visiting with students. One student asked if the Governor planned to run for President, to which he gave a resounding “Absolutely Not”. The governor then explained to the group why he felt his most important job at this time was to fight the federal government to ensure the 10th Amendment (State’s Rights) was strictly adhered to. The governor also explained the importance of public service, education, and the generosity that our nation’s citizens offer freely to the rest of the world. He especially recognized the public service of our United States Military, along with the service of educators and law officers. Governor Perry then introduced former Senator Ken Armbrister and recognized his 14 years as a police officer and 27 years in public office, followed by seven years with Governor Perry. Then, as individual students shared their future goals, he exclaimed, “Study!” and “whooped” for those who will be attending Texas A&M.

Too many things were discussed from each of these visits to cover here, but suffice to say, we had six exciting and informative hours in the Capitol.
Student attendees:
J.T. Kisiah
Dylan Sassman
Sara McClellan
Tom Tomlinson
Shantel Noel
Eddie French
Jessica Hart
Brooke Sassman
Caitlin Carter
Kingsly Scott
Jenny Hargus
Brianna Bergstrom
Rebecca Vaughn

Parent Chaperones: Sherrie McClellan and Jennifer Tomlinson; CHS Sponsor: Tracie Massey; GOP Party County Sponsors: Russell Cain, County Chair; Connie Hunt, former County Chair

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