City Council Special Meeting By Jasmine Gordon

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Feb 11 - Comments Off on City Council Special Meeting By Jasmine Gordon

In an unusual turn of events, the council went into an executive session directly following item #3 on the agenda which was reported from Goldman, Hunt & Knox regarding the 2009-2010 fiscal year. “Sales tax is down from the past three years, which has been seen across the board.” reported Donald Goldman. “The hotel motel tax has increased $5,000 reaching $28,000 in the last year.”

The council then went into the executive session which affected the next item on the agenda. It was removed; one of five alternatives listed on the agenda. Amongst the alternatives were; to authorize publication of notice of intent to issue Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $1.5M as approved by the majority of voters, to file a bond validation lawsuit as authorized under chapter 1205 of the Texas Government Code, to consider or authorize a new bond election for May 14, 2011 or to see an legislative fix by instating a special bill to be passed which would uphold the validity of the bond election. The City of Seadrift will not see any improvements on drainage and streets in the following year. First to approve the motion to remove the item from the agenda was councilman Mikolas, the motion was seconded by councilman Chatham.

A Homeland Security Grant was then accepted to create an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to be used following disasters. The grant would be used to obtain an emergency generator and other related equipment. Mayor DeForest stated that Seadrift was second in line to receive the grant. “Speed is of the essence.” He stated several times during the item’s discussion. The Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission was selected as the administrator for the grant and G&W Engineering was chosen due to their in-house electrical design department.

The Council then addressed an item which would authorize a $1 increase per month to the City’s utility bill to absorb. The increase would be used for permit fees from Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Councilman Mikolas said, “Nobody likes paying extra money. We need to cut somewhere else.” Mayor DeForest advised the council that the city had been absorbing the expense for six months which averages $9,000-$10,000 a year. After much discussion, a motion was made to accept the item from councilman Chatham, the motion was not carried.

Bids were reviewed by the council to authorize four individuals to be able to extend existing sewer lines and to connect to that line along Cemetery Road. The installation would be at their own expense and the bid was requested by the individuals. Councilman Miller made a motion; it was seconded by councilman Hunt.

The last item was tabled until the following meeting regarding the boundaries, limitations, user fees, rates and deposits of the Hahn Sports-Plex.

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