Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Feb 11 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

“The end of the road” has been my fishing destination for many years. Even though fishing conditions are unpredictable, Carmine’s restaurant was always wonderful. I looked forward to fresh Texas oysters, crawfish etouffe, oyster stew, grilled whole flounder that was swimming last night. The coleslaw tasted better than it should. And those grilled potatoes, perhaps a touch of butter gave that irresistible taste. The food was every bit as good as my grandmother’s fare in New Orleans, not surprising since Carmine and Larry are New Orleans natives.

But the food was not the only attraction. Larry and Carmine would greet me and everyone else with enthusiasm. Larry took me fishing and showed me his “honey hole”. He shared his extensive knowledge of fishing spots holding back nothing. Larry and Carmine became dear friends. I’d like to think it was my magnetic personality that appealed to the Gibson’s. Not so. No one walked into Carmine’s who was not an old or future friend.

No restaurant in POC can come close to Carmine’s, a victim of the recession, a huge loss to the community. I wish the best to the Gibson’s and hope good will come to them. I will miss you.
Sonny Haro

To: Adolph and Walter
THANK YOU. It’s true; the nicest people live in Port O’Connor.
Henry and Sue

To the person that took down the American flags during the first week of February at King Fisher Beach and the Community Center: I don’t know the reason and don’t care to know, but I try my best to keep these flags up and in good condition. These flags cost the P.O.C. Grand Slam $25.00 each and when people take them down and keep them, it adds up.
Calvin Ragusin

As spring is in the air, it is a bitter sweet moment – We at Beacon 44 RV Park will be saying goodbye till we meet again next winter to our Winter Texan Family. As we strive to reach out and bring these fine folks to our area, we would like to let everyone in our community know how much these folks contribute to POC and the area.

They will visit Speedy Stop for groceries and gas, visit our restaurants, gift shops, seafood shops, local hotels for their visiting family members. They get their hair cuts, love to attend Sr. Citizen Tuesday lunch; some are involved with the churches and helped in preparing the Sweetheart Banquet.

So my point is – it is our turn as POC business owners to welcome these folks to our area! It is a real win situation for most business owners. We have a few months until they will be returning; let’s see how POC can Welcome them back for Winter 2011-2012.

This winter we have had folks from Canada, Michigan, Montana, Arkansas, Colorado, to name a few places – and they love our little town. Let’s continue to grow in winter – think what you can do to make them welcomed back to POC.

Doug & Mary Jo Walker
Beacon 44 RV Park

Thank you for your outstanding letter, Mr. Tomlinson. Your last paragraph was inspired truth! I encourage all readers to re-read this letter and consider the events of the last week. While Unionized Gov’t ‘public service’ workers riot to preserve their unsustainable wages and benefits, Prez Barack Hussein Obama publicly says that “Oil is the energy of the past!”, and backs a ‘Bullet Train’ as the future solution to transportation. His 100MPH Bullet train will spend half it’s time in stations loading and unloading, and accelerating and decelerating so it’s average speed is maybe 50 MPH. My pick-up averages better than that on the Interstate – in fact better on most Texas country roads. And what industrial magic will power this wonderful Bullet Train? Well, uhh, diesel-electric locomotives are the most efficient and by far the safest, so it still depends on the Wicked Oil Industry. Also these Magical Bullet Trains can not use existing track, so a whole new infrastructure must be built on land that must be taken from Citizens and constructed by Union Labor. Sounds like another colossal Boondoggle to me. Huge contracts to buy or condemn the land, as well as construct this yet to be designed rail system as well as the Bullet Train. And of course, huge new bureaucracies to micro-manage the project to the point where it will be impossible to get anything done. This will only grow more bureaucracies, Gov’t usurpation of citizens rights, and union corruption. A huge money waster! The commuter trains of the Mega-cities work on existing track and are paid for! Build better roads and drill more oil wells! The Free-Market will produce more efficient cars and trucks. Gov’t intervention has used tax-payer money to push ethanol, it takes a gallon of diesel to produce the corn to make a gallon of ethanol, so the tax-payers pay for Gov’t subsidies while food price rise dramatically. Gov’t intervention is now subsidizing electric cars that are very unsafe, stupidly expensive, and functionally useless to most people in Texas. And most of the electricity is still generated by fossil fuels. A $450+ million solar-panel factory in Massachusetts, after being subsidized with $58 million of Gov’t grants, had to close because they can’t produce a competitive product – union labor, again. If they built in Texas it would be cranking out truck-loads of solar panels daily!

The Beltway Buffoons are putting a Moratorium on what works to provide tax-payer support to their theories and their Union supporters for election rigging and demonstrations. Yes, I think they are using their current political power to bring a totalitarian socialist Federal Gov’t into being, no matter what the cost to the average citizen. The Unions, Liberal Progressives, and welfare parasites think they are getting a good deal, but they don’t read the history of socialism. Like Margaret Thatcher said,”Sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”
Bill Brayshaw

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

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