Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Feb 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Deadline nears for Scholarship Applications: Each year the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce gives two $500.00 scholarship each for graduating seniors, of that year and one $100 continuing education for a student in college. The deadline for 2010-2011 will be March 23rd. If submitted after this date, application will not be considered. Applications may be picked up at Calhoun High School or Leah Griffin at Tigrett Real Estate.

The Chamber is purchasing a table of 8 at the Warriors Weekend Muster on April 1, 2011. This event is such a great effort and support to our troops and POC certainly needs to do all we can to help out. We will be giving Chamber koozies to our visiting “Warriors”–just a little something to remember how much we appreciate what has been given for us.

Spring is coming and many visitors and tournaments will be heading our way. You can access the list of tournaments and calendar of events on the Chamber web site, portoconnorchamber.org, (right side of the home page.) Some tournaments also provide access to entry forms and rules. If you have something to add to the calendar, contact me at poccc@tisd.net. Speedy Stop Tournament “Big Trout Pot” will be held on March 12, 2011. Deadline for entry is March 1, 2011, for info call 361-582-5193. Good Luck!

If you have not joined our Facebook Community, we are waiting on you, come and share your trips to Port O’Connor with others and you can keep up with what’s happin’ here.

I see where Josie’s Mexican Food is now having a drawing every Monday. Every time you eat there your name goes into drawing for a FREE BUFFET. There will be one winner each week, but your name will remain in the drawing if you are not the winner, which means you could win several times; must be 16 years of age. Winners will be posted on Facebook. ENJOY!

Have A Great Time In POC – Best Kept Secret On Gulf Coast – The Natural Place To Be for people who love fishing, hunting, and the great outdoors.

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