Port O’Connor Girl Scout Brownies

Archived in the category: Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Feb 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Girl Scout Brownies

Port O’Connor Girl Scout Brownies #9538 took a field trip to First National Bank, POC. By doing so, the girls completed their Money Matters Try it! Badge. Those in attendance were Carly Rosenboom, Paige Satterfield, Kaleigh Diaz, Elizabeth Carey, & Jeanette Ramirez. We all had a lot of fun as Miss Debbie (Michalek) took us through the bank showing us how, why, and what everything was. We learned about the different areas & the importance of every one’s jobs are at the bank. Thank you to Miss Dawn (Ragusin) for your many answers to our many questions and for sharing your yummy birthday cake! We all had a lot of fun and can’t say thank you enough!
We are closer to our goal to purchase and plant a 100 trees in Port O’Connor minus supplies and soil. Our troop will be planting them in early Spring. If you know of any where that needs some trees, let us know via e-mail karieskalak@yahoo.com or come by Toastie’s. We will also need volunteers with shovels! For direct information www.erthnt.org/program.

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