A number of years ago, I was encouraged by a fellow minister to become involved in the local Rotary Club. I knew it was an invitation only luncheon, but I learned that my insurance agent, Don Wall, was a member. I mentioned to him that I might be interested in becoming a Rotarian, which quickly earned me an “invitation”. When I arrived, I was surprised by the immediate acceptance I received from every member of the club. The president of the club asked Don to introduce his guest – me. They invited me to provide the invocation for the meal and meeting – I began feeling a part on that first visit!
Before the next meeting, which were on Thursdays, I ran into into several Rotarians, each who remembered me by name and encouraged me to consider becoming a member. I received phone calls from at least four Rotarians and each of them asked me if I was a candidate for membership. I decided to attend the next meeting without Don’s escort. Immediately upon arriving at the cafe where the meetings were held, the club president asked me if I would again pray and asked me to introduce myself and share a brief resume. After that second meeting, I was hooked and asked how I could become a part of Rotary International.
As a Rotarian, I was welcomed into clubs in several states, as well as two foreign nations. I was always immediately treated as a friend upon my arrival at the meeting hall. Often, my meal expense was paid by one of the members of that club, even though I had just met them.
I believe if every person would act as the Rotarians I have known, this world would be a better place to live. If all would immediately accept strangers as friends and would try to befriend them by unselfish love – would follow the Rotary Motto – “Service Above Self” – we would live more harmoniously as neighbors and fellow travelers.
Allow me to share with you the method that Jesus taught, as I see it, from His great Sermon on the Mount:
First, we need to be “salt-seasoning”. We are placed here, according to Jesus, to allow the God-flavors of this earth to be brought out! If we lose that God-flavor, we become useless and are only good to be thought as rubbish.
Salt enhances flavor and acts as a preservative. As we bring God’s love into everyday situations, we become the answer to the world’s problems and not a part of them. Being salt-seasoning does not mean that we preach at people, but that we live out the task God has given us to do today and do it as Jesus would.
Second, we need to be public with our “story”. All of us have a story of God’s love. We are here to be a light, bring out the God-color of this world. When we shine, it is like putting a light on a hilltop, so others will find their way also in the darkness.
All of us influence people, either for good or evil. Our task is to remove the grayness of this world with the brilliance of God. We must take every opportunity to demonstrate our faith without uttering words.
Third, we need to allow people to “hang out” with us. Jesus teaches us that we need to be generous with our lives, to be open with others, in order to encourage people to open up with God. When we allow people to walk with us in normal living, we allow them to see how they also can walk in their own personal lives.
By being generous with our lives, our homes, and our knowledge of God, we provide the soil in which others can become mature Christ-followers, who will also, in time, impact others. This is the way Jesus wants us to win this world – one friend at a time!
Fourth, we need to “walk our talk” and “talk our walk”. Becoming a person of influence requires that we “walk” the right pathways, and we “talk” encouragement to those walking with us.
By imitating Jesus, we will provide hope, help, and encouragement to those around us. Let us aim at being infectious. Let us be “on purpose” people that others will want to follow. We have been called to make an impact on those whose pathways we cross daily.
We are called to be people who have the same motto as the Rotarians, “Service Above Self”. As “salt-season-ers”, “light-providers”, “hang-outers”, and people who “walk and talk” properly, we will influence people to become better people and our community will truly become exemplary!
Becoming A Mentor By Erny McDonough
Archived in the category: Featured Writers, Organizations
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