Calhoun County Quilt Guild

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Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 09 Mar 11 - Comments Off on Calhoun County Quilt Guild

This beautiful quilt was pieced by Carol Haverfield and quilted and donated by Nancy Clement, both Calhoun County Quilt Guild members. Sally Jones (left) was the happy winner of the quilt in a recent Lions Club fund raiser. At right is Lion, Alice Reed.

Started in 1988 with 25 quilters, the Calhoun County Quilt Guild is still going strong.  The guild is open to all residents of Calhoun County and the immediate surrounding area who share a love of quilting and want to support the community.  To support fund raising activities of organizations within the community the guild has donated hand made quilts to the following:  The Calhoun County Museum, Calhoun County Senior Citizens, Breast Cancer Awareness, The Harbor House, Go Texas – Houston for scholarship funds for Calhoun County, and the Humane Society.
Individual members are encouraged to donate items for needed causes.  They have donated cuddly quilts for Child Protective Services, lap quilts for veterans living in the local nursing home, wall hangings for display at Memorial Medical Center, and blocks which were used to construct quilts donated to the National Quilts of Valor and World Trade Center Memorial Quilt Project.  They have also made and donated pillow cases to be used by local charities.  One of the projects for this year are table place mats to be donated to Meals on Wheels, a local charity delivering a hot meal to people who otherwise might not have that opportunity.
The Guild strives to educate the public and guild members about the history and beauty of quilt making.  This is done through workshops throughout the year, an extensive library of quilting books, an annual trip to the Houston Quilt Show,  and a three day quilt retreat held twice a year.  They also have a quilt show every year featuring the beautiful works of our members.  The show is free and open to the public.  At the quilt show the public is encouraged to purchase opportunity tickets for a drawing to win a quilt made by the guild.  They also have a booth featuring hand made items available for purchase,  furthering the opportunity to give back to the community by helping financially support  their donations given to needy causes.
The Calhoun County Quilt Guild meets the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.  at the Fairgrounds Exhibit Building.   If interested call Membership Chairperson Carol Haverfield at 361-983-4969.  Or simply come to a meeting and you will be welcomed.   You don’t have to be a quilter, just someone who loves needle art.

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