Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Mar 11 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

The “Birthday Boys” judged the Chili Cook-Off.

Guess who celebrated his 90th Birthday? It was Papaw – also known as Larry Gonzales. Who celebrated his 92nd birthday? It was Dell Girard. How did they celebrate? With our annual Chili Cook-Off! We had eight winning entries, and many people told me that, unlike most years, my chili should have been number 1! But, it is the same story as before – I was robbed – and that was at church! Since our slate of judges did not arrive in a timely manner, Papaw and Dell served as judges. It was their opinion that Michael’s chili was #1, and Joyce’s was #2, and could you possibly believe that without respect to my calling, they placed my chili at 8th place! BUT, it was so gratifying that even those who had entries of their own admitted to me, of course privately, that my chili was the best this year! Now, if this sounds like I am bitter, you misunderstand! I will take the humble seat this year, but next year I will try to find better judges!

Truly, this all Church Fellowship was a lot of fun- for most! And, I can say I tried every pot of chili and did not find a “Last Placer” in the bunch! It is my opinion that all of them should have received a first place trophy.

We were in a fantastic service this past Sunday morning with Evangelist Rod Vincent. The Reverend Vincent has been at the Chapel before, but the anointing that he ministered under was special. We were humbled when three people said they wanted to follow Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior in this service. The angels were not the only ones rejoicing!

This coming Sunday, March 13, we are honored to host the ministry of the Reverend Jessie Alderete for the morning service and the Reverend Don Wiehe from Seguin in the evening. The morning service will be a bilingual service and the evening service will be an all musical service. No one will want to miss either event.

Our Fisherman’s Bible Institute is about to come to a close for this semester We will be hosting a graduation sometime in April or early May. But, look forward to the next semester’s study, which will begin in September.

Friday Night Youth will be meeting as usual and all youth are invited to attend. It is a “fun, safe place” for the youth of this community. We have food, fellowship, and a lot of fun!

We were honored to have Patrick minister for us while we were out of town on March 2. We had to take Papaw to San Antonio for a medical appointment. We were hoping to be back, but were delayed. Thank you, Patrick, and if you missed his ministry, you missed hearing from Heaven!

Michael Binkerman won 1st place in Fisherman’s Chapel Chili Cook-Off, and Joyce Rhyne took 2nd.

Mark your calendars for March 27, 6:00 p.m., for the next All Church Fellowship. Also, remember our next Sea Academy classes are scheduled for April 1 – 10. All who are interested should contact the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184 or Captain Robert at 361/816-3010.

Fisherman’s Chapel remains committed to Port O’Connor and the surrounding communities to be a place where people can find and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You are invited to attend any all of the services at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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