Port O’Connor Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Mar 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

The first Spring Meeting of the Service Club was held Thursday, March 3rd at the Community Center at 10:00 a.m. The main item on the agenda was the Annual Spring Garage Sale which is scheduled for Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. and will be held in the Pavilion of the Community Center.

Ms. Biddie Hileman, Chairman of the Sale, announced that she is able to provide storage for various items; please contact her at 983-2241 if you need her assistance. She also announced that we would be accepting furniture, books, pictures, clothes, kitchen items, dishes, fishing and outdoor gear, and Christmas decorations. And, so, ladies and other members of this community, if spring cleaning is on your calendar during this month, or if you have just run out of room to store many items, do plan to contact Ms. Hileman. We look forward to seeing any surplus items that no longer fit in your closets.

Ms. Sally Ragusin, Chairman of the Bake Sale accompanying the Garage Sale, cautioned all the members to get studying their recipe books in time for the Bake Sale. She expects to have a variety of many different baked goods for purchase. And also, there will be copies of the Service Club’s 3 volume cookbook along with several pounds of walnuts.

Ms. Shirley Gordon, a Club member and also our community’s Librarian, announced that the County has cut our funds for purchase of books and DVDs by 50%. Additionally, we no longer receive money for purchase of books for the Children’s Library. If you have books at home that you have read and DVDs you no longer wish to keep, please remember us. We strive to keep our Library current at all times; unfortunately, with the cut we will be limited as to how much we are able to spend.

The next meeting of the Service Club will be Thursday, March 17th at 10:00 a.m. and will be held in the back room of the Community Center. If any female member of this Community desires to be involved with service to our area, please consider joining the Service Club. We welcome all interested women at any time at our meetings; contact Shirley Gordon, Membership Chairman, 983-4365 or Janet Johnson, President, 983-4733 for further information. After all, you just may meet your neighbor here!

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