The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D.Brayshaw

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Mar 11 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D.Brayshaw

A Nation of Law?

After the War for Independence our Nation’s Founders wanted to guarantee to all Citizens freedom, economic opportunity, and equality before the law. Their first attempt, The Articles of Confederation was a failure because it was too weak, because they were rightfully afraid of a powerful centralized government. After much prayer and deliberation a Federal Government was formed by a document entitled “We the People..”, now known as the Constitution. The Constitution was a Contract between the People, the States, and the Federal Government that formed that Federal Government and gave it certain limited powers and responsibilities. With this Divinely inspired document our Founding Fathers gave us a blueprint for a perfect government. For a century certain political elements have moved to subvert our Republic for their own reasons and benefit.

The Representatives to the Continental Congress were, like the People, devout Christians and of many denominations from Calvinists to Deists. Freedom of Religion was very important, because they wanted everyone to have the right to worship God and Jesus Christ in the manner of their choice with no danger of a government-based religion like the Church of England dictating to or controlling the other denominations. That America was founded as a Christian nation is denied by these “Progressives” that try to re-write history. Ask these Deniers why the cap-stone of the Washington Monument reads
Laus Deo – Praise God. We tolerate other religions, but we should not let others subjugate us to their religion or their denial of God. Freedom of Religion does NOT lawfully give others the right to stop Christian Americans from publicly recognizing our Christian heritage, but that is how the government chooses to interpret it.

Equality before the Law was very important to people that had experienced the arrogant abuses of the English aristocracy and the King’s agents and Courts. In an effort to prevent abuses by a strong centralized government many of the People demanded a “Bill of Rights”, the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution, before they would ratify it. This included the Second Amendment that guaranteed the Right to bear arms to the People to defend themselves against attack by hostile forces, criminals, or oppressive, unconstitutional government.

The current administration is refusing its Constitutional duty to secure our borders and when the State of Arizona tries to enforce the existing Federal law with state law, the Dept. of Justice(?) seeks to prevent it. This DoJ is siding with a foreign government to protect criminal aliens from a State enforcing the same laws that Holder and Obama swore to God to enforce.

These two have also declared they will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, a Federal law passed overwhelmingly with bipartisan support. This is to appeal to the radical homosexual lobby, a small but very active core constituency of this unlawful administration. Also Attorney General Holder has repeatedly refused to prosecute radical violent New Black Panthers for well documented threats and intimidation of voters. He calls these thugs “My People”! What about the American People? Are we going to allow these people to pick which laws they will enforce? And against who?

These are just a few examples of Gross Malfeasance by people sworn to uphold the Constitution and Federal law. There are 32 unconstitutional “Czars” usurping power and wasting tax money daily to empower their socialist agenda.

We must recognize that we must start working together to save our Constitutional Republic. It is not just Republican vs. Democrat anymore. Our Democrat Party has been infiltrated, stolen, and destroyed by International Socialist Totalitarians pretending to be “Progressives”. Our choice now is Constitutional freedom or socialist slavery. We can no longer fall under the spell of Mass Media fads, but force these arrogant opportunists to return to a Nation of Law.

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