Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Mar 11 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

“The windows of Heaven are open, the blessings are falling right now…” is an old chorus that we used to sing. That is exactly how we feel about what we have been experiencing here at the Chapel.

On the 13th, Joane performed a wedding for her niece in the Woodlands. As a result, we were away. Filling the pulpit was Patrick Overton for the Bible Class, Brother Jessie Alderete in the morning worship, and the Reverend Don Wiehe in the evening service. We have gotten good reports from each of these ministers. While in Houston, I ministered at a church pastored by our friends. We enjoyed our time away, but missed Fisherman’s Chapel.

Spring Break was a busy time, but I did take a day off and take the grandkids fishing. Our 8-year-old granddaughter Kailee got the hang of catching the “piggy perch” and schooled the rest of us. We had a great time and concluded the evening with a trip to the front beach.

Friday Night Youth was down a bit in attendance because of the Spring Break, but those present were treated to tacos – courtesy of a generous family in this community. One boy told me has was “really hungry” and proved it by eating six tacos, plus several handfuls of cookies. It was a delightful evening.

We were blessed with some out-of-town visitors on the 20th. Brother Jessie Alderete again ministered bilingually, which was a great blessing to all of us.

This past week, we have been involved in many out-of-town meetings. Monday through Wednesday, we were in Houston in meetings. Thursday, we were in San Antonio meeting with some medical staff. Friday and Saturday, we were in Beaumont enjoying another time of birthday celebration for Papaw’s 90th. It was a good time with family and friends.

On the last Sunday of this month, we will be having our All Church Fellowship. It will feature an “indoor picnic” and everyone is urged to bring picnic items to share with others. Brother Jessie Alderete and I will share in the time of devotion, ministering in both English and Spanish. It will be a great time and we hope all will come and join us.

Fisherman’s Bible Institute is about to end its studies for this semester. Graduation will be announced soon. We already have those who are signing up for next semester’s classes, which will begin in September. FBI is an excellent way to learn more about God’s Word. All interested should contact Joane at 983-2619.

Captain Robert will be teaching another Sea Academy Class here at the Chapel on April 1 – 11. Those who wish to take the course should contact the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184 to sign up and for further information.

The ladies of the Chapel are planning several events. On April 1 and 2 they will be traveling to El Campo for a ladies’ conference, which will be taught by our own Joane. It will be a great time of teaching and a great time for fellowship. Also, those interested in studying “Search for Significance” should contact Joane as soon as possible so the book can be ordered. This will be a 10-week course, which is scheduled for Thursdays.

Summer is coming and that means only one thing at the Chapel – we get busier! We desire to offer things to help the entire family. You will find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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