Footprints & Rusty Hooks By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Mar 11 - Comments Off on Footprints & Rusty Hooks By Sue Kubecka

Good to see on Spring Break Week the number of 2 and 3 generation families here to enjoy the weather and fishing. Something special about seeing a young boy with his dad and grand dad on a boat! Looks like they’re all having fun. But didn’t see many moms or grand moms around. Guess they were shopping at Sisters’ or Treasure Chest or Decked Out!


PLEASE NOTE: The Bunco group of fun-loving ladies will now be meeting in the back room of the Community Center, and our next evening of spectacular playing will be Tuesday, April 5th at 7:00 p.m. There are only two requirements for participating: $5.00 gets you in the door, and you need the ability to count the spots on a pair of dice. Also, being able to talk while playing helps. Contact Shirley Gordon at the Library, 983-4365 for further information. And if you decide to come, bring a friend too!

Here in the Library we have just received several boxes of books that have been donated. As some of them are duplicates of those on our shelves, they will be put up for sale. We sell hardcover books for $1.00 each and soft cover for only 25 cents. Not much if you are going on vacation or a long trip and need something to read. Our thanks to the donor of these books.
Have you noticed the RV on Adams in the process of being painted? Looks good, particularly with the A&M flag on the side!

A sad sight —- to see the “For Lease” sign on the yellow building that was Toasties! And the for sale sign on the empty building that was Carmines! Guess that leaves only Josie’s, Cathy’s, Capt. G’s & Mama’s for food. Do hope that Clark’s will be opening soon.

After returning from Mardi Gras, we found that there was a “glitch” in the television reception; after much turning of the dish and other gyrations, found that a flock of sea gulls had made the dish their home! Got it cleaned and now everything works!

Have you heard about Medevac? This is a helicopter ambulance service that can be available here in Port O’Connor for a yearly fee. A representative from this organization will be here on Tuesday, April 12th at 1:00 p.m. in the Community Center to speak and give further information. The 1:00 p.m. meeting will follow the Seniors’ Luncheon and Bingo session and all interested residents are invited to come and listen. Arrangements for the speaker at this time have been made by the Service Club of Port O’Connor.

Have you seen some of the fish the Spring Breakers brought in? The pelican air force landed at the cleaning table by the Fishing Center with their mouths open!

Ladies: It’s approaching that time of the year when closets and cupboards get cleaned and emptied to make room for new items; and if that delightful chore is on your schedule, please remember that the Service Club’s annual spring garage sale is Saturday, April 9th. Contact our Chairman, Biddie Hileman, 983-2241 for storage and further information.
361 798-0560

If the reader wishes to add any news at any time to this column, please contact me at the above address or phone number. And thanks in advance.

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