Local Justice Court Judges Attend Seminar

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 23 Mar 11 - Comments Off on Local Justice Court Judges Attend Seminar

Calhoun County Justices of the Peace recently attended a 20 hour Justice Court training seminar in Corpus Christi.  The continuing education is  required by the State of Texas for all Judges regardless of the amount of time he or she has been in office. A variety of workshops was offered to the attendants for updating and reviewing subjects relating to their courts. Among subjects offered, were pretrial  procedure, traffic laws, juvenile laws,  landlord/tenant issues, family violence, electronic death registration, fail to attend school procedure and alcohol/minor related offenses. The seminar was presented by the Texas Justice Court Training Center, which is Sponsored by South Texas State University / San Marcos.  Each Judge received full certification for the current academic year.

Calhoun County is fortunate to have this particular group of Justice Court Judges. The group has an excellent working relationship and they genuinely  care for their precinct, county and state.   The Judges all agree serving Calhoun County is an honor and a privilege. They strive to serve in their capacity to the best of their ability.  Participating in their continuing education guarantees they will remain knowledgeable and will keep abreast of any changes to State laws.

Pictured at right, left to right-front row-Pct. 5- Judge Nancy Pomykal (serving 21 yrs.), Pct.-3- Judge Gary Noska, (serving 21 yrs),Pct. -1- Judge Hope Kurtz, (serving 5 years).

Back row-left to right-  Pct. 4- Judge James Dworaczyk (serving 19 years total tenure) and Pct. 2- Judge James Duckett (serving 17years)  . Collectively this group of  dedicated professionals has been serving Calhoun County for 83 years. Each Judge was recently re-elected to his or her current term in the November General Election.

“We wish to thank all our supporters for allowing us to serve them for another four years. We will continue to serve Calhoun County and the  state of Texas with fairness and competence.” Pct. 5, Judge Nancy Pomykal  said as she spoke for the entire group.

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