Mary Belle Melcher Meitzen of the Calhoun County Historical Commission spoke recently to the Port O’Connor Service Club on the Commission’s progress in completing the process of officially designating Port O’Connor Cemetery as a Historic Texas Cemetery. As head of the Commission’s Cemetery Committee, Mary Belle is the person in charge of preserving Calhoun County’s historical cemeteries. The Cemetery Committee has completed restoring, recording, and preserving six cemeteries.
Following are her remarks to the Service Club:
“In 2007, my committee first started working with your esteemed Bob Allen, recording the graves and putting them on the website “ Find A Grave.” Since then, Bob has recorded the whole cemetery and located many missing graves.
The Texas Historical Commission has a way of recording and preserving cemeteries so they can not be destroyed by owners or builders. The Calhoun County Historical Commission is completing a Historic Texas Cemetery Designation on Port O’Connor to protect it from expansion because at this time, it is not deed recorded.
Through this recognition, the Historic Designation will protect the cemetery because the deed will be recorded at the Calhoun County Clerk’s office. If the property was sold, the Cemetery would have to be built around or moved before expansion can occur. The designation would have been completed sooner if a deed could have been found. The cemetery deed could not be located.

Bob Allen, Volunteer Recorder, Surveyor and Caretaker of the Port O’ Connor Cemetery demonstrates how he finds unmarked burial plots.
Melissa Sterling with Gulf Coast Title conducted an extensive search. In 1909 W.C. Jackson laid out the plat which was sold to W.J. O’Connor. The plat does not show the cemetery.
In 1909, W.J. O’Connor transferred Port O’Connor Townsite to P.R. Austin.
In 1919 lots were selling. Everett bought all of the “out-lots” 1-12, 14-16. Nothing was recorded on Lot 13 as being sold. Between 1909 and 1919 Lot 13 was set aside for a cemetery because in 1913, Lola Mae McCarty was buried there. (She was visiting relatives.)
In 1920 Austin purchases the same property back under warranty deed and it went into his name individually as P.R. Austin. Lot 13 is omitted again in the sale.
In 1940’s P.R. Austin descendants sold to Sam Day. Lot 13 was left out.
Now all the information has been obtained to complete the Historic Texas Cemetery Application. The cemetery is over 50 years old. Supporting documentation required includes maps, annotated site plans, photographs, a written history, notification of surrounding property owners for comment and specific approvals from the Calhoun County Historical Commission and the Texas Historical Commission.
Once completed, the Affidavit of Dedication and map are filed with the County Clerk for recording in the County Deed Records. This affords the much needed protection to assure the continued existence for the Port O’Connor Cemetery.
Think of your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. If they are buried in Texas, you can complete a Historic Texas Cemetery Designation for their grave site and protect it from being bulldozed if the property is sold.
The complete process will take about two years. A medallion will be ordered to place under the subject marker. Look for a future announcement!
Calhoun County owes a great deal of appreciation to Bob Allen and his mowing crew and especially to the Women’s Service Club for their untiring efforts to raise money for the lovely outdoor chapel.
If you are interested in history, come join the Calhoun County Historical Commission. We are sponsoring John Foester who will be speaking on his DeLeon family heritage on March 29 at 6:00 at the Calhoun County Library.
Thank you for allowing me to share my enthusiasm for the Port O’Connor Cemetery Historic Designation.”
See who is interred at Port O’Connor Cemetery and other cemeteries around the world at: