The Way I See It… Guest Column by William Brayshaw

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Posted by The Dolphin Talk on 23 Mar 11 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William Brayshaw

Democracy vs. A Constitutional Republic
Nation of Law? Part 2

Our proper form of government is a constitutional republic, with our God given rights protected by law. We have Equality before the Law that is to guarantee equal treatment of all Citizens. We elect Representatives and Senators to govern wisely for the benefit of “We the People”, and a President to enforce Constitutional law and be Commander-in-Chief to defend our borders, protect American interests abroad, and protect our Nation and Constitution from “all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

There are now many political leaders that are determined to overturn our Constitutional Republic and use ‘democracy’ to empower them to establish a centralized socialist system unrestrained by any authority.

There are three “Rules of Ten”- The Ten Commandments, the Bill of Rights, and the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto. The Ten Commandments were the basis of our Nation, our struggle for freedom both originally and throughout our history, and the foundation for our Constitutional Republic. The Bill of Rights was wisely added to our Constitution to prevent abuse and oppression of the People and the States by an overweening, unconstitutional centralized government. The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto call for totalitarian centralization of power and oppression of individual rights, freedom, and opportunity. Where our Constitution recognizes that our rights come from God and are rightly guaranteed by our Constitutional Republic, the Communist Manifesto says the people have no rights, only privileges given by the Central Government, to be decided by the dictatorship of the working class by the elitist bureaucracy of the ruling class or governing party.

I challenge each of you to compare these three sets of Rules of Ten and decide which one represents the current practices and aims of our current administration, and which ones you would choose to live under. John Adams said that democracy was only suitable for a moral people. Many of our Founders were greatly afraid of Democracy, that “pure democracy” was mob-rule, and they well knew that the poisonous core of Democracy was for greedy, lazy, and wicked voters to vote themselves a dole from the Public Treasury and even dispensation for their evil and even criminal acts. Even in a representative Republic the danger is there for irresponsible voters to elect irresponsible representatives – that is why the States put requirements on voters and The Senators were elected by the State Legislatures, not by popular vote.

The results of Democracy and socialist progressives century of expanding the vote to everyone without qualification- written test for understanding the Constitution and ability to read and write English, financial responsibility, and a poll tax to pay the cost of elections- has clearly resulted in:

1.   Equality before the Law has been replaced by “Social Justice”- a mish-mash of non-enforcement of law for certain groups, “hate-crimes” for added enforcement against other groups, and Judges with no judgment.
2.   Individual responsibility and community charity has been replaced by huge government welfare scams.
3.   Radical activists have been allowed to use environmental concerns, taxes, and unions to drive many industries from our shores.
4.   Consumer advocates and multi-national corporate lobbyists under the name of “Free Trade” have stopped import duties – the Constitutional source of revenue for the Federal Government. The People are taxed more so the Multi-nationals make more profit and Walmart has cheap foreign junk to sell.
5.   We are one of the richest nations on earth in natural resources but import most of what we consume, even oil.
6.   We are the richest in agriculture, but distill corn into fuel while the people of potential trading partners riot over rising food prices. Our taxpayers have to subsidize this boondoggle at over $1 per gallon.
7.   The rights and privileges of citizenship have been given to non-citizens, even illegal aliens. Why should non-citizens get welfare, free medical care, even to vote in some areas? And why should the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. be granted US citizenship? They are not born under U.S. jurisdiction, but in DEFIANCE of U.S. jurisdiction!
8.   The meaning of “Natural Born Citizen” as a requirement for President has been twisted and ignored. Natural Born Citizen means born in the U.S. of both citizen parents. Barack Obama’s father was a British colonial citizen and never became a U.S. citizen; it makes no difference where he was born. John McCain’s mother preferred the luxury of the civilian Panamanian hospital over the U.S. Navy base hospital (U.S. jurisdiction) so technically he didn’t qualify either.
9.   The Federal government causes financial bubbles and then bails out political friends by printing ‘money’ that is backed only by debt that can never be repaid, but the taxpayers have to pay the interest.

The list goes on – limited only by space to print and time to study the Federal abuses of political power, lobbyists contributions (bribes), earmarks and subsidies.
The Constitution is a contract. If one party, the Federal government, refuses to abide by the contract, the other two parties, the States and the People, are released from abiding by the contract. Secession, or the serious threat of it, maybe the only way to stop the Federal usurpation of power and restore Constitutional government. Perhaps we can turn from being a mob ruled by media driven fads and return to being a Nation of Law.

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