Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Apr 11 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

Dogs in POC

Remember Eddie Chiles? Well, I’m mad too Eddie. I’m mad because I can’t take my leashed dog for a walk without being attacked by unrestrained dogs. They are not strays but are allowed to run loose around Port O Connor because some of our neighbors believe that no leash law means no responsibility.

Saturday (4/2/11) the small brown dog who lives with the two small white dogs at the corner of 13th and Van Buren, bit one of our visitors. I advised them to sue the owner but they declined. Sunday a gentleman on the beach advised me that POC didn’t have a leash law when I asked if his two non-restrained dogs could be trusted. I advised him that he was responsible for his dogs regardless of any leash law. Note too that he was not carrying bags to clean up after his dogs.

I’m not going to take it anymore. I love dogs and as an owner, I believe I have a responsibility to restrain my dog and clean up after it. A very large number of Port O Connor residents don’t recognize these responsibilities to their fellow citizens – this neglect makes them libel for their dog’s actions.

We’ll never have a leash law, animal control won’t come down here, shooting them seems a bit harsh (although I do carry a small caliber weapon suitable for killing dogs who attack me), so what action(s) can we take? I suggest we all restrain our pets and keep them on a leash in public areas.


Jim Hicks

PS: Visitors I have talked to complain about two things in POC – litter and stray dogs. They ain’t strays folks, you own them and I will continue to point out those who don’t respect their neighbors rights to walk the streets without fear.

More Dogs in POC…

To All Pet Owners:

Please clean up after your pets. I am sure you clean up after them at your home.


Most Important Organizations

Port O’Connor has really grown in the last 10 years. New people have moved in, “Great”! A lot of them have joined our organizations, but it seems as if they have forgotten three of the most important organizations of all, our three churches:

First Baptist Church

St. Joseph Catholic Church

Fisherman’s Chapel

Would love to have you come visit us; any and all will be welcome.

First Baptist Services:

Sunday School – 9:45; Church 11:00; Sunday night – 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday night – 6:00 p.m.

Catholic Church:

Saturday night – 7:00 p.m.; Tuesday night – 7:00 p.m.

Fisherman’s Chapel:

Sunday School – 10:00; Church – 11:00; Sunday night – 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday night – 7:00 p.m.

Thank you,

Evelyn Lewis

See you Sunday!

To the Editor:

It is time for the citizens of Texas to become involved in what is happening in Austin. We must let the Texas Legislature know how unfair it is to balance the budget by cutting benefits and jobs of school teachers, hospital nurses, and firefighters – people who are the backbone of our middle class.

Please, do not show indifference or say that there is nothing we can do. The governor and the legislature knew the deficit was growing as a result of their policies, yet they did nothing to prevent this problem. Now is the time for the people of Texas to speak up.

The worst possible solution is to balance the budget by making huge cuts to the education of our children. For the present, we need to use the “rainy day fund” to survive the flood our legislators ignored for too long. Let me add, however, that we must insist that our representatives in Austin get busy and find a long-term solution to the problem that they helped to create. We must find reasonable long-term solutions, solutions that may need to include raising taxes. (We tend to forget that numerous studies show that Texas has very low taxes for upper-income earners.)

In Texas the kids are not “all right.” Our high school graduation rate is 43rd out of the 50 states. We lead the nation in child poverty, and poor children need all the help our already over-burdened schools can provide. Cutting state funding for schools now puts a greater burden on local taxpayers and hurts our most vulnerable citizens.


Naomi Albrecht

Help us rebuild Zion Hill Baptist Church (Est. 7/10/1873) in Goliad, Texas.
First of all to rebuild the kingdom we need people. We need people to pledge themselves to attend the church. If there is a church building with no ‘people, there is no church. Once I have a pledge of people that will attend, the next step will follow.

Everyone who reads this message, I want you to sow what ever your heart desires. Feel free to text, email, write, or call. Any seed sowed can be deposited to (the Building Fund) at American Bank in Goliad, P.O. Box 29, Goliad, Texas 77963, or American Bank, in Victoria 4304 North Navarro Street, Victoria, Texas 77901.

My contact number (Laura L.J. West) is 361 655- 7075. Maerene Johnson Ellis contact number (361 575-0921); feel free to leave a message. Email us at zhbcgoliad@yahoo.com, or write to Zion Hill Baptist Church, 165 Horseshoe Bend Road, Goliad, Texas 77963.

Thank you and may God bless each and everyone who reads, responds, prays and helps out in some manner of this mission. I will be posting pictures and some history about the Zion Hill Baptist Church on Facebook and where- ever else God leads us.

Our initial goal was to get this information out during the month of February. But building God’s Kingdom is celebrated continually.

We will be posting our up coming church service dates.

Thank You

Zion Hill Baptist Church

Sis. Laura J. West (Secretary)

Sis. Maerene Ellis

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Letters to the Dolphin:

Dolphin Talk

P.O. Box 777

Port O’Connor, TX 77982


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