You Heard It From The Dolphin…

Archived in the category: You Heard It From the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Apr 11 - Comments Off on You Heard It From The Dolphin…

Hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful spring weather. And, to our subscribers in some of the other states, we hope the spring weather gets to you soon.

If you did not get a chance to read “Titanic’s Forgotten Sister” by Peter DeForest in the March 25th issue, may I suggest you check it out at . It is a superb article covering an event in history about which you may not have known.

And speaking of our web site, if you notice the Editor’s name on some articles in this and future issues, it is not because I want to see my name in print. I have been advised that putting my name on articles will somehow make us more visible on the world wide web. That is supposed to facilitate an increase of visits to TheDolphinTalk, which is a desirable outcome. That is the advice of our web designer and maintainer, and since I know nothing about such matters, I will take her advice.

Remember, we want news and photos from you, our readers. We are always happy to hear from you.

Thank you for reading Dolphin Talk.

Joyce Rhyne, Editor

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