Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 May 11 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

Attendees at the Mother’s Day dinner at Fisherman’s Chapel were surprised when “Mariachi Tejano” entered the building singing and playing their instruments. They entertained the diners for an hour and their music was greatly enjoyed by all those present. “Mariachi Tejano” is from Bloomington.

What a Mother’s Day to remember! My mom was not here, but she remains in the hearts of her husband of 62 years and in the memories of her six children and more grandkids and great-grandkids than we can number! Moms are people who are always with us, even after they have gone to Heaven. Before, I enjoyed Mom’s company; now I remember her character. Before, I enjoyed our conversations; now I value the wisdom of her words. Before, I enjoyed the special things she did for me; now I treasure the values she taught me. Before, I wanted to always be with her; now I wish I were more like her. Today, she is no longer with me, yet Mom is still here for me, in different ways, but certainly no less real. “Mom, your touch exceeds your reach, because they stretch across lifetimes and into eternity – I love you!”

Hermano Jessie Alderete preached the Mother’s Day evening service on “Influences”, and challenged our moms to influence their families in favor of eternity with Christ. It was a great message and well received. Following the service, the Spanish ladies of our congregation put together a special fellowship meal. But, the meal was not the main attraction – they brought a Mariachi Band. It was a great time of fellowship in the decorated fellowship area of the Chapel. It helped to make it a Mother’s Day to remember.

Mother’s Day morning service was highlighted by the Reverend Joane McDonough’s fourth message in her series titled, “Bridging the Gap”. We have truly been learning much from her message about how to work with and witness to people from different backgrounds. We believe one day this information will be in book form, and we are getting to hear it first!

We have been enjoying the ministry of Patrick Overton for the past two Wednesday evenings. His ministry concerning “Prayer” has been a great blessing as well as great inspiration to encourage us to not only talk about prayer, but to truly pray. Thank you, Patrick!

All ladies are invited to attend the special ladies meeting each Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. here at the Chapel. The Reverend Joane is teaching the materials found in Robert Magee’s book titled, Search for Significance. This course is an excellent source for teaching personal values. It is a great source for both men and women, but we are designating this class for the ladies.

Have you heard the report about the Easter Sunrise Service yet? There was great singing by the First Baptist Choir, a great message by Pastor Marcos Gohlke, and great refreshments by Cathy Osborn of Cathy’s Restaurant enjoyed by over 400 worshippers! Special thanks to all who help to make it happen on the front beach.

Fisherman’s Bible Institute has completed another year’s study and those who have completed the course will be graduated on May 29 in the evening service. Those who have committed themselves to a systematic study of God’s Word have greatly benefited, and we are looking forward to making that Graduation Ceremony special for them.

The Sea Academy just completed another successful class and is looking forward to their next class scheduled to begin on June 3. All those who desire to get their Captain’s Licenses should call the instructor, Captain Robert, at 361-816-3010, or the Sea Academy at 361-758-6184.

Friday Night Youth is going strong with several new adult volunteers and lots of new kids. There is always food, thanks to a generous benefactor, and games, but the greatest attraction is the new friends that you get to “hang with”! Remember, FNY – each Friday from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m., except the first Friday of each month.

We are looking forward to continued ministry from Joane as she continues preaching concerning “Bridging the Gap”. Brother Jessie will be continuing his ministry in both English and Spanish. On May 29, we will host Evangelist Rod Vincent, who has ministered here many times. We are a busy congregation who is always looking for ways to reach out and touch somebody new for Jesus! You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel, an interdenominational congregation, and you are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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