Mindy is a Schnauzer mix about a year old. She is a very small girl; you can hold her under your arm with room to spare. Friendly and energetic, she is also Cute Plus!
You might think BeeGee is “just another ginger tom” but take our word for it, he’s not. About 8-9 months old, he has loads of personality, and though he can’t sing like those guys, he’s very talkative and always has a paw outside his cage, trying to entice you to come and visit, tell him how wonderful he is.
Hershey was debuted about a month ago but he looked rather a mess. He’s now been professionally groomed and ooh, la la! Either a Cairn terrier or Schnauzer mix (he certainly looks like a Schnauzer now!), he’s 5 years old but has the energy and happy outlook of a young puppy. Hershey has many good years ahead of him and will be your instant best friend.
Come see Hershey, Mindy, BeeGee, and all the other animals at the Port Lavaca Animal Shelter, 201 Stringham Drive (across from the rodeo arena), Monday through Saturday, 10 to 2, or call the Calhoun County Humane Society, 553-8916. You can also view him and other animals ready for adoption on line at www.calhouncountyhumanesociety.org Thanks and we’ll be waiting for you!