Miscellaneous 05/13/11

Archived in the category: Classifieds
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 May 11 - Comments Off on Miscellaneous 05/13/11

For Sale: 23’ Mako, a Great Surf & Bay Boat. $16,000.00
Call 361-550-7150 for details.

’98 Chevy Lumina 6 cylinder; new tags and inspection. $2,500. Will take no less. 361-489-5139.

For Sale: Very well built 10X16 Portable Building. OSB under metal of building. $3,500. Can be seen at 203 E. Washington in Seadrift. 361-489-5139.

Home Office Furniture For Sale.
Matched computer desk, 6 ft. Bookcase, 2-drawer File Cabinet. $150 for all. 361-983-2515 or 281-808-2676.

POC grown Sago Palms for sale. 30 to choose from in 10-gallon pots. 2 to 4 years old. $30 to $60. 361-983-2515 or 281-808-2676.

Garage Sale at Corner of 16th & Harrison, POC across from the water tower.
Friday & Saturday, May 13 & 14 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tools, fishing tackle, plumbing & electrical supplies, Antiques, linens, etc.

Will pay a nominal price for two (2) Washing Machines. We make them available to those who need them. Fisherman’s Chapel (361) 983-4240

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