New Seadrift Library “Open for Business” By CJ Garriott

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 May 11 - Comments Off on New Seadrift Library “Open for Business” By CJ Garriott

Seadrift Lions and other volunteers moved books on Saturday, April 30.

Without being closed for a single extra day, the Seadrift Branch Library opened at the new location, 4th and Dallas, on Saturday, May 7, 10 a.m. Some materials remain to be unpacked and shelved, so work will continue until all is in order.

Many thanks to the volunteers that helped with the packing, moving, and unpacking projects. We would not have been able to open Saturday without them.

Librarian CJ Garriott had read an article in The Victoria Advocate several years ago about a library in another state that had organized a book brigade, passing books hand-to-hand, for their move to a new library six blocks from the old one, and thought, “We could do that, we’ve only got two and a half blocks!”

With help from the Seadrift Lions Club, a Book Brigade was organized and promoted for Saturday, April 30, 9 a.m. Thirty-five to 40 library patrons, Lions, and friends came to help. That was not enough people to make a line between the libraries, so everyone pitched in and gathered up armfuls of books and made many, many trips. Strollers, wagons, a 3-wheel bike, a golf cart, and a pickup were pressed into service as well. The entire three walls of nonfiction were moved that morning, and about half of it was placed on shelves, in order. The following Monday, several of the volunteers showed up to finish unpacking and shelving.

An unexpected treat for the Saturday volunteers was a pizza lunch provided by Don and Joanne Miller of The Texas Pizza Company, Seadrift. It was much enjoyed by all the tired, hungry workers.

The Friends of the Seadrift Library, in conjunction with Dwana Finster, principal of Seadrift School, had also planned a book brigade of a line of children from old to new library on Monday, May 2. All students of Seadrift School (pre-K to grade 6, 330 children) were bussed to the new library right after lunch, and the older ones were sent to the old library to start the hand-to-hand passing of books.

They moved several shelves of children’s books, and reports came in of a number of youngsters seeing a book they wanted to read. Assistant Librarian Robbie Bess reported universal wows as the children got their first look at the new facility. After tours, the children were provided drinks and snacks by the FOSL, before reloading on the buses and returning to school.

Everyone is invited to stop by Seadrift’s beautiful new library at their earliest opportunity and take a tour. The Dolphin Talk, The Port Lavaca Wave, and The Victoria Advocate are available for reading at a table or in the Reading Room, along with current magazines. Hours are Monday and Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday: 12 noon to 6 p.m.; Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed Friday and Sunday.

Seadrift Students formed a “book line”, passing books from the old library to the new.

-Photos by Bill Tigrett

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