Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 25 May 11 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

We are looking forward to a great Memorial Day weekend! We begin at 10:00 a.m. with our Bible Study. During that morning service, Evangelist Rod Vincent will be our guest for that one service only. Many of you have heard this special minister and will want to be a part of this service. It will be power-packed, God-anointed, and Cajun style!

In the evening service on May 29, we will be honoring our Fisherman’s Bible Institute graduates. We will be having an All Church Fellowship with a “pot luck meal” and a time to honor those who have expended a lot of hard work and long hours of study to complete this course. You will be inspired to become a part of FBI when we begin a new course of lessons this fall.

A new Sea Academy Class is scheduled for June 3-12 at the Chapel. Those interested should contact Captain Robert, class instructor, at 361-816-3010 or the Sea Academy at 361-758-6184 for further information and to be sure a place is saved for you.

The Reverend Joane has just completed a series of messages concerning “Bridging The Gap”. The seven parts of this message ranged from how to relate to those who are close to us, to how to deal with those who are an irritant to us! It was great information. Those desiring her notes are welcomed to call Joane at 983-2619 for further information. We believe one day this material will become a published book!

We were honored to be a part of the Warrior’ Weekend here in Port O’Connor. Our part was to provide the breakfast for Saturday morning. With many donations and a lot of volunteer help, we provided breakfast tacos for everyone who came through the lines. We fixed well over 850 tacos and heard many good comments concerning them. I personally got to greet some of the warriors as they came through the lines and enjoyed that part of the weekend more than any other. Thank you, Warrior’s Committee, for inviting us to participate! Thank you who donated all the things that went into making the taco breakfast. Thank you who came out to help break 100-dozen eggs, cook the 110 pounds of sausage, those who worked to make the tacos, and those who were there to help serve our honored guests. This task was “way too large” for the Chapel to do by ourselves, but all of you helped make it happen. Thank you!

Our ladies are meeting each Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. to study the book Search for Significance. Robert McGee is the author and the ladies have made some great strides forward as they are learning more about themselves and the relationships they have chosen. It is a great time of learning and fun, and all women are invited to attend.

Due to all of the summer activities, Friday Night Youth will be having some schedule changes. We will be having FNY this Friday, May 27, and then on June 10 and 17. The Chapel has a full schedule, but we want all our kids to know that we love them and will have FNY every time we can! Thanks, kids, for understanding and participating when we have FNY! See you Friday!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation committed to helping all of us find our way successfully to the place where “our streets turn to gold”. You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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