We Remember…Or Do We Really? By Bob Jamison

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 25 May 11 - Comments Off on We Remember…Or Do We Really? By Bob Jamison

Memorial Day is a special time of honor. It depicts what this nation stands for and why we are still the greatest nation in the world. This holiday is to remember the sacrifice of our troops killed or wounded in battle to protect other nations from invasions. We shall never forget the mothers, fathers and kin folks that lost loved ones or saw them return almost shattered and broken from the horrors of war.

Yet, we do remember them and honor them today along with others that served in subsequent battles. In Europe alone our sons or daughters in the military lost l04,366 brave military personnel killed. The total count for World War II was 4l6,800 dead!

Not yet in Viet Nam, Iraq or Afghanistan, we remember the “forgotten war” of Korea. Ironically, this too was the invasion of another country when we came to their aid. Our loss during that time was 33,742 killed in action, l03,284 wounded and 8,l76 missing in action. This essentially was a border war of the 38th parallel dividing North & South Korea.

The invasion of Korea was costly of course, but let us recall something: We fought a war with thousands of our troops plus foreign soldiers for three years over a border that was a mere l60 miles long. We lost plenty to help a small nation from certain slavery. Today we have l9,755 army troops, 274 Navy, 8,885 Air Force, 242 Marines and 28,500 Republic of Korean troops guarding that very short border.

It was reported in the October 2010 two shots were fired between the north and south authorities. Prior to that in 2006 two North Koreans crossed the border into the south only to be repelled by warning shots.

Now back at home, our borders between the United States and Mexico is about 2000 miles. On the Texas/Mexico border, Ciudad Juarez reported 3,111 killed in that one city alone in the year 2010. Isn’t that a threat to our own country on a daily basis? Those deaths exceeded all our casualties including civilians in Afghanistan with 2400 dead.

Another startling statistic is the kidnapping capitals of the world. Number one is Mexico City. Number two is Phoenix, Arizona in the USA! How many folks do we have guarding our very own border? You guessed it; not enough by a long shot. Those protectors we have suffered casualties along with ranchers and other citizens on the U.S. side. We are outgunned, outnumbered and it is often the case our officers have their hands tied while facing multitudes of illegal immigrants. Many immigrants are honorable people looking for work and can do so legally. Others are pawns of the drug cartels carrying dope and other contraband. Others are said to be criminals in their own right fleeing from Mexican authorities only to commit crimes here.

Our own Home Land Security (HLS) have reported they don’t have the money to protect our borders properly. What?!!! And we are sending billions to Egypt, Syria and others that are believed not to be our friends.

HLS is responsible for legal immigrants who overstay their visas illegally. Peter Johnson on Fox News May 23, 20ll reported over five million visa violations (overstay expirations) are not being investigated. Do we remember the thousands who were killed on nine eleven by the likes of them? HLS again quotes ‘no cash’. If it weren’t so serious the HLS could remind one of a comedy circus act of Punch & Judy.

Citizens who travel overseas please listen. When you pass customs they want to know how long your visa will allow you to stay, where you will be or with whom and you will be expected to pass the exit requirement in their computers within that period. If not, someone will be looking for YOU. Should we learn something from that?

Let us all remember we have a great country and thousands who fought and bled for it did not do so in vain.

-Bob Jamison is a veteran and believes this country is worth fixing.

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