What Do You Think Of Your Church? By Marcos Gohlke

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 25 May 11 - Comments Off on What Do You Think Of Your Church? By Marcos Gohlke

Church – What is church? A church has been defined as a group of baptized believers banded together to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This means that they hold to the common beliefs about the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The church is not the building, but the people who make it up, those who are a part of it by choice.

The attitude of people around us toward our church depends much on our own attitude toward our church. Attitudes of defeat bring defeat. The church can be or not be according to the attitudes of those who make it up. Our attitudes toward our church affect the effectiveness and success of our church. Two attitudes about or toward the church are sometimes heard: 1. “If the church were what it ought to be, everyone would join it.” 2. “If we would serve as we ought, everyone would be interested in being a part of the church.” These statements are not true (although we ought to be what we ought to be), because different people respond differently to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The best church in the world meets and receives mixed responses. The best church in the world will not reach all the people around. There are many different churches because not everyone favors one particular church. May I say to you, hopefully not to offend anyone, but there is no perfect church. The reason is that the church is made up of imperfect folks. The church at Jerusalem (mentioned in the Bible) was not perfect, but it was alive and active. The Jerusalem church folks had some attitudes that we will probably see in those within the churches that we attend. One of the attitudes was the attitude of fear. The fainthearted avoided the church for fear of persecution and rebuke. Some were afraid of the strange things that happened when Jesus and His disciples were around – things such as the dead made alive, the blind made to see, the lame made to walk, and demons cast out. Others were afraid of what might be said about them. They didn’t want to be called “Holy Joe”, “Square”, or “Fanatic”. Are you afraid to be active in church?

However, there were those that admired the church. True Christians have some traits that are admired. One who is a real follower of Christ will show courage, honesty, peacefulness, willingness to work, and generosity. Are you glad you live in a community where there are churches? Do you admire your church?

Those who became Christians (accepted Jesus as Savior) wanted to be a part of the church. They believed it was the will of God for them to be together. Are you a part of a church fellowship?

Then we find the needy seeking the church. Does this mean that they believe that they can find help within the fellowship of the church? The church should respond by being the help others need. The church should be a “hospital” for sinners, not a “rest home” for saints. Is your church responding to the needs of those around you?

The church had and has enemies. Those were folks who did not agree with the message of the church and the following that she gathered. This is still true today. There are those who disdain the church and are critical of those who attend. If our church was being tried for being a Christian fellowship, would there be enough evidence to convict us? We must stand firm in our love for our church.

What do you think of your church? Do you fear being associated with your church? Do you admire your church and speak well of it? I encourage folks to speak well of their church and suggest that if they have something negative to say that they not say it.

What should you think of your church? Could it be that what we think of our church should be the same that Jesus Himself thought of the (His) church? He stood by the church. He provided resources adequate for His church. He loved the church. Ephesians 5:25b says: Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

The success of our church depends strongly upon our attitude toward it. A “bad” attitude can severely hinder God’s work. Please, love your church; love your leaders; and love your fellow church members.

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