Port O’Connor Chamber Chat By LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Jun 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat By LaJune Pitonyak

Seems the Memorial Day Weekend really kicked off the summer activities in Port O’Connor. If you missed the activities on King Fisher Beach on May 28th, it was a beautiful day and lots of people in town and on the beach. Here we are already into June, there are Tournaments all summer, you can find a calendar of events posted on Port O’Connor Chamber Facebook. Some of the tournaments are to benefit very worthy causes and all are for enjoyment. Seems to be plenty of fish being caught, even with the high winds, most people are still catching limits.

The membership applications for 2011 have all been mailed out, if you would like to be a member and we missed you, please call 361-983-2898 and I will get your application in the mail. The Chamber is working to promote the businesses and our community. Meetings are the 2nd. Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the MUD Office. This year the membership drive has not been our best, it’s very slow. Please return applications and dues as soon as possible. Any suggestions as to how to promote POC are welcome. The 43rd. “ANNUAL FIREWORKS DISPLAY” will be on July 2, 2011. Donny Haynes, our Chairman for the event, says all is ready to go; so mark this date on your calendar, for the BEST yet. -The display is funded by donations only.

New Members

Middleton Outdoor Advertising
Inn at Clark’s/ Clark’s Marina
Texas Title
Froggie’s Bait
Sonny’s Marine
Urban Surveying
Beacon 44 R.V.Park, Propane and Seafood
St. Christopher’s Suites and Marina
Coastal Safari’s Charter Boats
Vantage Marine
Dyes Diving Cap. G’S
Arnold & Keiko Gordon
Mark & Lisa Crull
Rusty & Chryl Brhlik
Gary & Carolyn Garrison
Clarence & Naomi Albrecht
Johnny & Patricia Johnson
Singles: Mary Ann Claiborne; Doris Van Trease; La June Pitonyak; Nancy Pomykal

New-4th Donations:
Middleton Outdoor Advertising
Neil Bishop & Barbara Moore

Thanks! POC Chamber

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