Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Jun 11 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Thank you, Chapel Family, for helping me travel to Central Arkansas to see Dad! He has some medical issues, which became acute in the middle of May, and you made it possible for me to go and spend Father’s Day with him. Having been totally out of church for over four weeks, it was a joy for me and my sister Ruth Anna to sit on either side of him in Church. Many people had to help shoulder the loads and wear my many hats while I was gone. Your faithfulness in ministry tasks and attendance help me realize what a great congregation God has blessed us with. Thank you seems so trite compared to the huge sacrifices many made in my absence, but I will say “Thank you!” and allow the Lord to reward you for it!

Special appreciation needs to go to those who filled the Chapel pulpit while I was away. Patrick Overton ministered on the two Wednesday evening services and taught our morning Bible study on June 12. The Reverend Joane ministered during both Sunday morning worship services and the Sunday evening service on June 12. Hermano Jessie Alderete taught the Sunday School on Father’s Day and ministered in the p.m. service. Thank you!

Also, I must mention others who went above and beyond to assist me. Pat, Adella, Martie, Daryl, Dennis and Donna, Marshall, and Zack – of course I have missed several, but “Thank you!” Also, thanks to several minister friends in the area who helped cover our Sectional responsibilities. BUT, I must not fail to mention all those who have and are and trust will continue praying for Dad that his health be restored!

We had a great Father’s Day celebration. Each dad present received a special gift, courtesy of Marty’s Landing. Thank you, Marty – each was greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to being back in the pulpit and accepting my responsibilities. We have a lot of activities coming up. We will be helping with the Houston Big Game Tournament and the Harbor’s Pescado Grande this weekend. We are working toward the Poco Bueno Tournament that begins in the middle of July. These fishing tournaments provide us with fish that we pass along to needy missions. In the past, hundreds of pounds of fish have fed the needy. Thank you for allowing us to glean!

Important notice: All-Church Fellowship – Sunday, July 3, 6:00 p.m. With all the activities in June, we have not been able to have our normal activities, but we are planning for July 3 to be an extra special event! Everyone is invited! We hope that some will bring their guests who have come to see our Fireworks Display on the front beach. It will be a special evening of activities, great fellowship, and lots of food.

Friday Night Youth activities for July are as follows: Regular events on July 8 and 22; none on July 1 or 15; but a big area rally on July 20 at the front beach, featuring a basketball tourney, hot dog roast, and a lot of other kids coming to POC for this special evening’s activities. “Be there or be square” – or whatever it is that kids say nowadays!

The next Sea Academy class is scheduled for July 29 through August 7. For information please call Captain Robert at 361-816-3010 or 361-758-6184.

God’s blessings have been easily seen at the Chapel in recent weeks. You are invited to be a part of the many activities that we offer to this community. Our goal remains the same – to do everything we can to assist people to make a successful journey from here to eternity! You will always find a warm welcome here and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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