Port O’Connor Chamber Chat By LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Jun 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat By LaJune Pitonyak

It’s very hard to believe 6 1/2 months of 2011 has already passed. Looks like a great summer for POC. Lots of Tournaments and Events going on, which is what helps keep our community’s businesses in business. These businesses are the back-bone that keeps us going.

This will be the last Chamber Chat until after the “ANNUAL FIREWORKS DISPLAY”. If your name is not on the list of New Members or 4th Donations, it will appear in the next issue of the Dolphin.
The Chamber certainly “APPRECIATES” every member and donation, as this and the T-Shirt sales of Chamber T-Shirts are the only funds we have to keep the Chamber functioning.



Hailey Lane R.V. Park
Double H Guide Service
NAPA Auto Parts & Machine Co
American Inn & Suites
Branding Works, LTD
Fairfield, LTD


James & Susan Neumann


Mr. & Mrs. G.N. Woods


Frances Alexander

Mitch & Ann Brownlee
Beacon 44 R.V. Park & Propane
Beacon 44 Seafood
Coastal Properties
Kathryn Windham
Russell Brhlik & Chyrl Lowe
George Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. B.G. Jecker
Frank & Darlene Bludau, Jr.
Lodge of Port O’Connor
Ron & Bonita Arbogast
The Fishing Center
Triple D Security
J.D. Cohen Jr.
Mary Johnson Posey
C.R. King family
T.M. King family
Victor & Diane Weber
Bill & Linda Gulledge
Barbara Briggs
Mary Magdalene Jahn
Mr. & Mrs. G.N. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Clark
Hunt Contractors
Walter & Judy Fisher
Francis Alexander
Urban Surveying
The Hankins Company
Robert & Patsy Irvin
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bludau
Nick & Prisella Stephens
Victoria Educational Assoc.
Raymon & Kathy Martindale
Siegler Insurance Agency, Inc.
Matagorda Group, L.P.
Texas Title
Steve & Cheryl Marwitz
Norman D. Posey
James & Susan Neumann

Thanks To Everyone! It’s not too late to have a part in this year’s spectacular. Donations are still being thankfully accepted. (www.portoconnorchamber.com) See the next issue for recognition of more donors.

Have A Happy And Safe 4th And Enjoy the Fireworks !!!!!!!!

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