See some big fish coming in June 25th

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Jun 11 - Comments Off on See some big fish coming in June 25th

Lone Star Shootout at Caracol

The Houston Big Game Fishing Club’s 7th annual invitational billfish tournament, The Lone Star Shootout, is being held in Port O’Connor,Texas this weekend. The tournament returns to Caracol Waterfront Development in Port O’Connor, Texas with a field of 50 or more sport fishing boats gathering to compete for over $600,000 in prize money. Two days of fishing began at 12:01 am Friday morning, June 24th and will end at 3:00 pm on Saturday, June 25th. The tournament boats will be fishing the deep blue water in the Gulf of Mexico from 50 to 150 miles offshore of Port O’Connor.

The Lone Star Shootout is a modified billfish release tournament emphasizing the catch and release of blue marlin, white marlin and sailfish with video verification of the catches. The winner is determined by the total of billfish release points plus any points earned for weighed blue marlin. Weighed blue marlin must meet a minimum length requirement of 102 inches, measured from the fork of the tail to the tip of the lower jaw. The minimum length is in excess of the federal requirement and assures that any fish weighed in will be well over 300 pounds. Cash prizes and trophies are also awarded to the boats with the most billfish release points and the largest weighed yellowfin tuna, wahoo, dorado and swordfish.

The weigh in will be held at Caracol with the busiest time expected to be Saturday, June 25th between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. The public is invited to watch the boats arrive to weigh in and can expect to see some big fish. The size of all the fish brought to the scales is expected to be impressive considering the minimum weight for tuna, wahoo and dorado is 25 pounds and considering the quality of the fleet and crews competing for the big prize money.

Proceeds from the Lone Star Shootout benefit the charitable programs of the Houston Big Game Fishing Club. Detailed information about the Lone Star Shootout is available at:

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