Students receiving the Kiwanis Bring Up Grades (BUG) awards at Port O’Connor Elementary School for the 6th six weeks are:
1st Grade
Jordan Blevins, Joseph Diaz, Jessie Lashley, and Ethan Redding
2nd Grade
Collin Branch, Ronnie Carriles, McKaelyn Carriles, Esmerelda Garcia, Logan Hobbs, and Chloe Ragusin
3rd Grade
Javier Ayala, Kaleigh Diaz, Noah Guzman, Trey Hagler, Dillon Hobbs, Riley Hughs, Briana Lashley, Sierra Posey, Oscar Resendiz, Carlos Sanchez, and Paige Satterfield
4th Grade
Marshall Arlitt, Mitchell Arlitt, Adriana Carriles, Jacob Diaz, Zoila Garcia, Gavin Gosnell, Cierra Harper, Craig Lopez, Madison Posey
5th Grade
Javier Guzman, Justin Munsch, Kevin Resendiz, Shelby Rodgers, Jerry Satterfield, Wendy Solis
6th Grade
Will Ragusin, Juan Resendiz, Luis Resendiz, and Whitney Ronshausen
Winners of the bicycle drawings are Jerry Satterfield and Shayleigh Sprague.
Congratulations to all these students for their efforts to improve their grades.
-Donna Boyd