Russell Cain, Calhoun County Republican Chairman; Connie Hunt; State Representative Todd Hunter; J.T. Kisiah, IV; Caitlin Carter; Brooke Sassman; Rebecca Vaughn; Sara McClellan; Tom Thomlinson; Mrs. Tracie Massey, Club Teacher/Sponsor
A luncheon was held June 12 at the Heritage Center to recognize the accomplishments of the 2010-2011 Young Republican Club of Calhoun High School. County Republican Chairman Russell Cain gave the opening remarks, followed by Ben Zeller, District Representative to the Republican Executive Committee, who commended the students for their interest and involvement in the political process.
State Representative Todd Hunter, himself once a member of his high school Young Republican Club, gave the keynote address. In addition to recognizing the students and their achievements, Rep. Hunter updated the audience on the current Legislature and status of various bills.
Mrs. Tracie Massey, sponsor of the Club, related some of the projects and accomplishments of Club members this past school year. Among them were: serving as election judge and clerks; voter registration; booth helpers at the Calhoun County Fair; holding a mock election at the high school; vote canvassing and election phone bank; Calhoun High School Breaker Beauty; meetings with public officials; and a field trip to the Texas State Capital.
Members of the Young Republican Club in 2010/2011 were: J.T. Kisiah, IV; Dylan Sassman; Shantel Noel; Rilea Whitaker; Hailey Smalley; Jessica Hart; Eddie Francis; Angelo Gonzales; Sara McClellan; Caitlin Carter; Brooke Sassman; Tom Tomlinson; Rebecca Vaughn; Kinsley Scott; Jenny Hargus; and Brianna Bergstrom. J.T. Kisiah, IV, a 2011 graduate, was the 2010/2011 President of the Young Republican Club. Caitlin Carter is the incoming president for 2011/2012.