Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 08 Jul 11 - 2 Comments

Dear Editor:

The Harbor Children’s Alliance and Victim Center would like to thank everyone who helped make our 2011 Pescado Grande Fishing Tournament such a wonderful success! We are so appreciative of all of our sponsors: TexasSaltwaterFishing.com; KAVU Channel 25; Ganem & Kelly Surveying, Inc; RLB Contracting, Inc; Boedeker Construction Inc.; Pathways, Inc.; theChupacabra Outdoors.com; Mayer Family; Accident and Injury Center; Allan Motte Ranch; H E B; Formosa Plastics; SeaportLakes.com/Eagle Rock Homes; Elite Mechanical, Republic Services and Alfa Laval. Special thanks to Port Lavaca Lions Club members for cooking the Saturday evening meal and to Jerry and Jan Nutt for preparing the Friday evening meal. Thanks also to the businesses and individuals who made donations of goods and/or services to ensure that this event flourished. Additionally, we want to thank all of the many volunteers who gave of their time and talents so willing to make our tournament a rousing success. Thanks to the contributions of each of you, this tournament was one of our best ever! We also want to thank all the fishermen and their families for their faithful support of our fishing tournament!

The Harbor Children’s Alliance and Victim Center

My two cents worth by G.B.

Doom and Gloom – I hear it every day.

Most of us have it a lot better than our parents.

Nice homes with heat and air condition, at least two TV’s, riding lawn mowers, two cars, maybe a boat, plenty to eat, social security, Medicare, etc.

I hear some people bad mouthing the President and using the N word. Maybe they should be in North Korea or Iran where if you say anything bad about the President there you will more than likely disappear the next day.

Come on kick back and enjoy life. Thank the Lord for what you have and accomplished in this ole cruel world.

G.B. Robertson

Helpful Citizen

On Friday, June 24, a boat capsized in the water out off the Seadrift bay front. Robert Bryant, Seadrift Water Works Director, saw that there were kids on top of the capsized boat and people in the water. He waved down a boat that was coming in, belonging to Mr. Ralph Cox. Mr. Cox immediately went and got the people in the water and the kids off the upside down boat.

The City of Seadrift would like to thank and commend Mr. Ralph Cox for his help in this rescue.

The City of Seadrift

Blood Donations

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to come donate blood on June 30th on my behalf.

Again, “Thank You”.

Nancy Harborth

Editor’s Note:
The June 30 Blood Drive in Port O’Connor was very successful. More than 30 persons turned out to donate and 25 units of blood were collected.

Letters to the Dolphin:

Dolphin Talk
P.O. Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982

2 comments for “Letters to the Dolphin”


Doom and Gloom or Facts and Figures?

To answer GB: If I tell you the tire on your pick-up is half flat and the tread is starting to separate, is that ‘doom and gloom’? Or if I see a big rattler under the see-saw at the kids playground, should I not speak up? Maybe you need to turn one of your TVs to something other than MSNBC or CNN. As for Social Security, I’ve listened to liberal Democrats accuse the Repubs of “wanting to cut SS” for over 40 years, and who cut the COLA (Cost of living adjustment)? OBAMA! ’09 and ’10, and there is no talk on The Hill about it for ’11 because there no money left. Congress has wasted SS funds since LBJ, and liberal/socialist have added so much “Supplemental Social Security” for drug addicts, drunks, being overweight, or other reasons not originally intended. And much of the funding for Medicare is being transferred to ObamaCare, future medical care for seniors will be more limited and rationed. If you sell your house after Jan 1 you will pay a special tax to ObamaCare of 3.8% of the sales price, not appreciation, not your net, but the total sales price.
And why is the only argument Obama supporters have left is to accuse anyone that points out his failures is to cry- Racist! It is so-o LAME! The reason we don’t have a totalitarian gov’t is the millions of us who swore the Oath “to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.” and meant it. That Oath does NOT ETS or terminate with employment. I absolutely support your right to express your opinion, only wish that you would back it up with facts or rational argument, not silly, emotional accusations.
For your information, I consider myself to be a Jeffersonian Democrat, but our party has been hijacked by such radical Socialists that the Communist Party USA supports them. They have moved their agenda so far to the left that they are the de facto Communist party. The Repubs are historically the big-government, big business party, but are showing great signs of improvement. I don’t really trust the Country Club Repub leadership, but I will not support in any way the present “Democrat” party. Until the Democrat Party cleans itself of these anti-American elements, I urge local Democrats to repudiate the DNC and run as independents or Independent Democrats If you march under the Communist banner, you are supporting them, and that makes you one of them. Sad, but true.
If you want to play on the see-saw, go ahead, that’s what freedom is all about, but don’t say you weren’t warned.

“The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance” Thomas Jefferson (I think)

Bill Brayshaw

July 15th, 2011 at 11:21 pm

Further research has shown I was wrong on the 3.8% Obamacare tax being on the gross sales tax. It will be on the appreciation, and then only for couples making $250,000 or more.
There is much misinformation and disinformation out there, mainly because the Gov’t doesn’t want us to know about some of the things in it. Also I don’t think there are many people that really know what is in it (2076 pages?)or how it will really be implemented. Nancy Pelosi said, “We must pass the bill to see what is in it.” Probably the dumbest thing I have heard any adult say.
Any way, I was wrong about the 3.8% tax being on the gross sales price.

July 17th, 2011 at 4:22 pm
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