Port O’Connor Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 08 Jul 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

During the July 7th Club meeting two members were commended for being one year older as each was celebrating her birthday this month. Our membership chairman and our Community’s Librarian, Shirley Gordon had noted her birthday on Tuesday, July 5th. And our sterling president, Janet Johnson celebrated her day on that Thursday of the meeting. Expressions of congratulations and other kudos were voiced for these outstanding members.

If you were outside on Saturday, July 2nd, you saw the incredible fireworks that lit up the sky. In charge of the pyrotechnics was “Fireworks’ Setter-Off-Er” Donnie Haynes. Our thanks to him and his helpers for an outstanding evening of oohhhhs and ahhhhs. And earlier that day the Volunteer Fire Department provided bbq plates to go of brisket and salad and other juicy items that were capped off by desserts as provided by the members of the Service Club.

After an outstanding meeting of the Historical Book Committee when Mr. and Mrs. Paul Apostolo were present to speak to the members of early day life in this community, we were thrilled to have the acceptance of Grady Jean Clark to appear at the next meeting in July. Mrs. Clark has been a member of this community for a number of years and we are all looking forward to listening to her tell us of some of the tales and joys of living here at that time. Hopefully, following that July meeting, we will be able to convince Kenneth Clark to speak more learnedly of the fishing industry in the 30’s and 40’s.

As we are now on our Summer schedule of holding only one meeting a month, the next meeting will be August 4th at 10:00 a.m. in the back room of the Community Center. We welcome all interested women at any time at our meetings; contact Shirley Gordon, Membership Chairman, 983-4365 or Janet Johnson, President, 983-4733 for further information. Do plan to come and say hello.

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