Public Hearing For Oyster Management

Archived in the category: Announcements, Fishing Reports
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Jul 11 - Comments Off on Public Hearing For Oyster Management

Texas Parks & Wildlife proposes the following concerning oyster management and to address recent legislation (Senate Bill 932) that establishes an oyster shell recovery program and emergency closure criteria. Changes being considered:

Oyster shell recovery program (SB932) – requires TPWD to sell Harvester/Shell Recovery tags ($0.20 ea) that must be attached to the outside of each sack of oysters at the time of harvest. Funds received from these tags are dedicated to returning oyster shell or other suitable cultch materials to public oyster reefs in Texas.

Emergency closure rules (SB 932) – Allows for establishing criteria for closing areas that have been overworked within 72 hours and grants the Commission the authority to delegate to the Executive Director the duties and responsibilities to implement the closure.

Reduction in the daily sack limit from 90 to 50 sacks per day.

Reduction in legal fishing times from sunrise to 3:30 p.m. each day.

Public comment will be taken at the following sites. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m.: July 26: Matagorda County Navigation District Administration Building, 1602 Main Street, Palacios July 27: Aransas County District Court Room, 301 N. Live Oak, Rockport. Art Morris (361) 825-3356

Comment closed.

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