The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Jul 11 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.
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Obamanomics Part II

To understand Barack Hussein Obama’s economic views it is necessary to understand the man and his upbringing. Little Barry Obama/Soetoro had a difficult childhood, to say the least. His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was raised in a very Left-wing family often described as Socialists. She was an outspoken liberal/socialist studying Russian at the University of Hawaii when she met Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a Kenyan Marxist whose father had been arrested and imprisoned by the British during the Mau-Mau Uprising in Kenya. They married in Feb. ‘61, and Barack Hussien Obama, Jr was born on Aug 4, 1961. Obama Sr. forgot to mention he already had one tribal wife back in Africa. Soon after little Barry was born, Ann transferred to the University of Washington for the September ‘61 – June ‘62 school year while Obama Sr. continued his studies at U. of H. There is no evidence that they lived together as man and wife after Barry’s birth. He graduated in June ‘62 and left for Harvard where he was given a scholarship for graduate school. Ann returned to Hawaii to continue her education and she divorced Obama in ‘64. She met and married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian graduate student, and after graduating in 1967 she moved to Jakarta, Indonesia.

President Obama has gone to great lengths and expense to ‘seal’ all records so it is very difficult to confirm anything about him, but some records from his Indonesian school have surfaced. Evidently Lolo adopted him because he was registered as Barry Soetoro and his citizenship was “Indonesian”, also his religion was “Muslim”. Stanley Ann sent Barry back to Hawaii in 1971 to attend the 5th grade at the prestigious Punahou School and to live with his grandparents.

From his book, Dreams from my Father, Obama admits that he was a mediocre student in high school, more interested hanging out with his friends, basketball, and smoking pot than studying. His black “mentor”, Frank Marshal Davis, a good friend and drinking buddy of his grandfather Stanley Dunham, was a well known radical Marxist. Davis was a writer and poet, but also authored a hard core pornographic novel, Sex Rebel: Black (Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet), written under the pseudonym “Bob Greene,” and published in 1968.

After graduating Punahou, Barry attended Occidental College, probably using his Indonesian passport and getting a scholarship as a “Foreign Student”. If he used the Indonesian passport after age 18 he legally resigned any claim to US citizenship. There he became more radicalized, he didn’t want to be a “sell-out”, minimized his white heritage, went back to using “Barack Obama”, and chose his friends from the more radical blacks, foreign students, and Marxist professors. (see his book!)

During their years in Indonesia, Dunham became increasingly interested in the country’s culture, while Soetoro became more interested in Western culture, and their relationship was in conflict over differing values. In a 2007 article, Chicago Tribune foreign correspondent Kim Barker reported that Soetoro “was much more of a free spirit than a devout Muslim, according to former friends and neighbors.” They divorced in 1980.

Very little is known about Obama’s studies at Columbia, but it is certain that he was familiarized with the Cloward -Pivens Strategy and Saul Alinsky’s methods of ‘Community Organizing’. Richard Cloward and his wife Francis Fox Pivens developed their ‘strategy’ to overload the welfare system to increase Gov’t debt, destroy the value of the US dollar, create such economic turmoil and panic that the Socialists could take over the gov’t through Liberal/Progressive control of the Democrat Party. Saul Alinsky had the methods of organizing the ‘poor’ by exploiting or inventing political issues.

After graduation, he was chosen to work as a community organizer in Chicago by Bill Ayres and others. He entered Harvard Law School where he was chosen to be Editor of the Law Review. He remained unpublished and little is known of his studies, again all the records are sealed. After graduation from Law School he returned to Chicago and worked as a Civil Rights lawyer and teacher for ‘Community Organizers’. Obama was the attorney record for Roberson vs Citibank where Citibank was forced to give mortgages to unqualified minority buyers, even when they had little ability (or even intent) to repay the mortgages. This was done with the US Govt guaranteeing the “subprime” mortgages – The Taxpayers were stuck with the bills! As Junior Senator from Illinois, Sen. Obama was the third highest recipient of “campaign contributions” from Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, after Senator Chris Dodd and Congresscritter Barnie Frank who were chairmen of their respective oversight committees for them!

So, we have little Barry, the often abandoned child, the pampered rebellious teenager, and the radicalized Marxist college student, who became the Marxist ‘Champion of the poor and downtrodden’. He is anti-colonialist, anti-capitalist, anti-Constitution, and often anti-Christian and anti-Caucasian. However, he is far too extravagant to be a good Socialist or Marxist, I see him as an Elitist Wannabe using liberal/socialist/progressive principles and programs as stepping-stones to power. He has shown himself to be an arrogant narcissist who cares nothing for the Constitution or the Rule of Law. He and his administration demonstrate their triumph of Marxist Ideology over reality, experience, and common sense. They have declared war on the Constitutional concepts of Limited Gov’t and Separation of Powers and created a morass of bureaucracies with undisclosed but unlimited powers with no Congressional or Legal oversight. They have increased Federal Reserve mismanagement of our debt and money supply into a Liberal/socialist competitive sport. TARP funds were pay-offs for their Wall St. friends, the Stimulus funds were used as Socialist slush fund to reward friends, buy co-operation, and generally shut down any opposition. QE 2 was another $600 Billion boondoggle to try and make the economy look better but only ruined the value of the dollar and risks its position as the World’s Reserve Currency.

I believe that Obama’s Political Agenda is what is important to him, and all of the economic decisions are based on that agenda – strengthening Socialist control of the Democrat Party and creating conditions that will continue Socialist/Democrat control of the Federal Gov’t.

Are Barack Obama and his Czars actually implementing Cloward-Pivens Strategy intentionally? Or is it massive ignorance, arrogance, and dedication to Marxist theory? It makes NO DIFFERENCE! Is Obamanomics really based on”he won the election” and he has control, so he can “print” all the “money’ he wants for whatever he wants? And if you don’t like it – You are a RACIST! This continuous expansion of debt and raising taxes in a shrinking economy while expanding gov’t interference in every part of real wealth production is economic suicide! But the real goal is expanding Socialist control, political power for the Leftist Elite.

It is all about Power. He promised us he would ‘CHANGE’ America, and he has. If they have to destroy the country in order to “save” it, they will. It is all about maintaining their Power.

Bill Brayshaw,
AKA Longknife 21

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