What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? By Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Jul 11 - 2 Comments

The Church has been blessed by the preaching and fellowship with Brother George Yarbrough the past two Sundays. Bro. George and his wife Barbara are old friends of the Church and everyone is inspired by his teaching and preaching.

The Church Pastor Search Committee has been busy reviewing the resumes received from those interested in becoming our pastor. The men of the Church meet every Tuesday morning at 7:30 a.m. to pray for the Search Committee and for the Church while they enjoy having coffee together in Fellowship Hall.

Bro. Marcos and Sue Gohlke have almost completed their move from the Church Parsonage to their home in Crescent Valley. He is preparing for a Bible Conference he will teach in Glorieta, New Mexico.

Preparations are under way for those attending the Senior Adult Retreat at Camp Zephyr this year. The Retreat will begin Monday, September 26 and end on Thursday, September 29. This is always an enjoyable time for all senior adults. Music is under the direction of Marcos Gohlke with Sue Gohlke at the piano. Gospel music by quartets, solos, duets and congregational singing is held each day. Three great meals a day with snacks in between are enjoyed by all. Outstanding preaching, Bible study and devotions are presented by outstanding men. Bro. George Yarbrough directs all activities each day and there is ample time for games like cards and dominoes. Camp Zephyr is in Sandia, Texas on the banks of Lake Corpus Christi and the camp motel rooms are on the lake.

This year’s Senior Adult Retreat at Palacios Baptist Encampment will be Wednesday, October 19 to Saturday, October 22. Sam Craig is in charge of this camp and the music program. Special speakers will be Bailey Stone and Rick Ingle with special music by the Jubilee Singers and Buddy Griffin with banjo and comedy.

If you have interest in going to either of these Senior Adult Camps call Doyle Adams at 983-4866 for costs and instructions.

See you in church Sunday!

2 comments for “What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? By Doyle Adams”

Barbara Leek

Greetings, Can you please give me the contact
email or phone number for Marcus & Sue Gohlke.
We are in Australia and we had them stay here in
our home some years back when they came down under
on a pastor exchange program. We are members of the Tent Hill Baptist Church here in Queensland.
We could be coming to the states (California) in the near future and we have been wondering if we
could maybe catch up with Marcus and Sue once again. We did visit with them once before but have lost contact with them. I would really appreciate you help….God Bless
Barbara and David Leek
Queensland Australia.

August 23rd, 2011 at 2:44 am

Thank you for the post, we greatly appreciate it.
We’ll get this info over to Doyle Adams, let us know if we can help with anything else.

Thanks again,

August 23rd, 2011 at 3:59 am
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