Another Fun-Filled POCIFT Celebration Comes To An End By Nancy Pomykal

Archived in the category: Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Aug 11 - 0 Comments

Pisceles and his attendants

As the last boat was –“undecorated”, the last twinkling light clicked off and taken down, and the last festive decorations were removed, the 16th official, 15th annual Port O’Connor Invitational fishing tournament closed another chapter in its journey through life. Looking at Kingfisher Beach and tournament headquarters, one would never know that anything really happened at all.

But wait! We all know what a celebration it was! We have beautiful memories, stories, and of course photos of the three fun-filled and exciting days in P.O.C. The tournament committee wishes to thank everyone who came out to watch the parade. Also, everyone who contributed in any way. Thanks to the U.S. Coast Guard for the color guard and their life saving boat. Also, to the Port O’Connor Volunteer Fire Department for bringing your BIG RED TRUCK! What a beauty she is! A Special Thank you to Sheriff BB Browning, Chief Deputy Mark Daigle and all the Calhoun County Deputies for the parade escort. Your participation is ALWAYS appreciated. Leroy, Joanne, and the entire POCIFT committee want to express their sincere gratitude to the anglers who fished the tournament.

Although POCIFT may be somewhat unorthodox , your participation helped make the tournament a great success. Proceeds go to a very worthy cause.

POCIFT has become a welcome and lasting tradition here in POC. The entire county has begun to look forward to this outrageous, colorful, and extraordinary event. From the moment Leroy Taylor and his team start setting up on the Wednesday before the tournament, excitement starts to build. One hears questions like “Who’s Fishing this year? “What is the theme?” “Where is Pisecles?” “How will HE appear this year?”

This year’s tournament and parade were somewhat smaller, but size didn’t slow the revelers down. They fished, ate, drank, visited, laughed at each other and themselves. The creative, fun-loving group made their way through the streets of POC in stellar form. Hundreds of spectators lined the streets to catch Mardi Gras beads, stuffed plush toys, candy and trinkets. Everyone, young and old alike, loves this fun filled festival.

As the last angler, guest and POCIFT team member left Port O’Connor with poignant farewells, driving slowly out Hwy. 185, (back to the real world) their minds were busy thinking and making plans for next year. So my friends, be watchful. Keep Believing , it will happen. POCIFT and all that it stands for proves once again “LIFE IS MEANT TO BE ENJOYED, NOT ENDURED. “ We are so blessed to have all of this right here in Port O’Connor, Texas, USA!

At Press time the winners of the tournament have been announced. The winners of the parade entries are not yet available, but will be published in the next Dolphin Talk.

Winners of the POCIFT tournament are…………
Eichelberger Hardluck Trophy = Gordon Moriss (Mi Nena)

Steve Hogan Memorial Trophy =  Jason Stryker (We Live Here)

Weighing five trout and two redfish per day, Friday and Saturday:
Largest Redfish =  8.74 lbs – Carl King (Wave Alert)
Largest Trout = 4.26 lbs – Jared Faldyn (Party of 5)

Tournament Champions = We Live Here (33.38 lbs trout and redfish)
– Jason Stryker, Clayton Streidel, Gary Crone
2nd Place = Party of 5 (26.32 lbs trout and redfish)
Don and Kim Faldyn (mom and dad), Kyle, Jared and Rachel Faldyn (kids)
3rd Place = Wave Alert (25.75 lbs trout and redfish) – fishing only one of two days)
Capt. Leroy Taylor, Rodney Cobb, Tami and Carl King
Remember the POCIFT CREED “Take nothing seriously but the day’s fishing. Be safe, Have Fun and Enjoy some wonderful food, drink and people who share the common passion for saltwater fishing!”
‘Til Next time,
Nancy Pomykal

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