Bunco! By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Aug 11 - 0 Comments

The August meeting of the Bunco Group was held Tuesday evening, August 2nd, and unfortunately, without my presence! Although my plans that morning had been confirmed to attend the Bunco Party, fate (as usual) intervened. So, this totally eclectic group of women had their fun —- and without me! Oh, well, September is coming. But the best part of this evening was the absence of Elvira!

Hostesses for the night were Pat Ekstrom and Mary Ann Claiborne. Their choice of gastronomic delights were an astonishing fruit salad set in a watermelon with honeydew and cantaloupe balls blessed with blue berries and pineapple. Enuf said but delicious cookies and a veggie tray with dip accompanied this. As the coolness of these desserts met with the over heated palates of the guests, food was consumed rapidly. And then play started.

Winner of the most buncos was: Sally Jones. Winner of the most games was: Cha Cha Milne. And the total loser was: Shirley Gordon – but not really a loser

And I missed it all! So, POC Ladies, don’t be like me and miss an evening of fun. Make plans to attend the September 6th Bunco Party at 7:00 p.m. We meet in the back room of the Community Center, and we promise not to make the newbies hostesses immediately as the gals who will be serving as hostesses in September are Sally Jones and Biddie Hileman, and they also have a huge SURPRISE!

Hope to see you there!

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